Do you have a fun activity at the park or in the area? Then you can create an event for this to highlight it.
Creating an event
- In the left-hand menu, choose 'Events' and click new.
- Then give the event a name, tab title and a description.
- Under 'Publication date' you indicate when the event should be visible on your site and under 'Starts at*' and 'Ends at' you can indicate when the event takes place.
- You can determine per language whether the event should be visible.
- Under 'HTML description' you can enter the text you want to be visible on your site when the event is highlighted in a list.
- Indicate whether you want to add a follow-up link;
- Choose 'External URL' if you want to link to the event website, for example.
- If you choose 'Details page', an page with 'content' is immediately created so that you can provide further information about the event.
- If you choose 'Hide 'more' link', the entry is for information only and the user cannot click any further.
- Decide whether the event is on the park itself or near the park.
- Then click save and add an image of the event.
Event placement
Once you have created one or more events, you can use a widget to display them anywhere on the website. You can add events to a page by pressing the green + sign in the column where you want the exposure. Then select the 'Events' widget.
Set up events widget
- Enter a title and/or subtitle if desired.
- Then choose whether to highlight events at the park or in the surrounding area or both.
- Finally, choose the desired display of the widget.
- Then click save and press preview to see the result.
Tip: want to highlight a specific event? Then opt for an placement.