Leisuretime App

🇳🇱 Dutch translation

The Leisure App gives you the possibility to link Booking Experts to your Leisuretime accounts. In this article we explain how you can install this for your own administration(s).

1. Installing the application;
2. Linking costs to the Leisuretime channel.

1. Installing the application

To install the application you need to have access to the App Store, in this case there will be a market stall at the top of your Booking Experts menu bar. If you do not have this yet, ask Support to activate the App Store for you.

1. Click on the icon in front of the App Store;
2. Then select the Leisuretime App;

3. Click on +Install at the application;

4. Here you see an overview of what the application can see in your administration(s);
5. Choose the administration(s) for which this application should be installed, choose the channel and click Install;
If you have not created a channel for Leisuretime yet, create one first or add the channel later after installing the app. 

Please note: when linking channels, the Standard payment scheme is automatically selected. You can change this in Booking Experts by going to the Cog icon Channels. Here you can click a channel and press the blue edit button where you can adjust the payment scheme. 

The application was installed successfully! 🎉
Please note that the installation will be reviewed by Leisuretime staff before all content is put live. 

2. Link costs to the Leisuretime channel

 It is important that you ensure that the correct cost items are set for this channel and that any payment schemes are set.

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