Set up search & book website

Good that you have chosen Booking Experts' reservation system! After Booking Experts has been set up, it is very important that visitors can book a stay via your own website. You have the option of purchasing Booking Experts' BEX CMS or keeping your current website.


Our in-house built CMS is linked in real-time to our reservation system and also has many useful features. For more information, please contact

Using your current website

If you would like to continue using your current website, it is also possible to set up a search & book on a subdomain. Below are the instructions for this.

Search and book website on subdomain

If you choose to continue using your current website, we will set up the search & book website for you on a subdomain. Depending on the need for a multilingual search & book website, the following URLs could be used for the search & book website:

NL >





To achieve this, changes are needed to your domain's DNS settings. You need to set the following CNAME records for this purpose:

  • boeken
  • buchen
  • book
  • reserver

The value to be set for these records can be found by pressing β€˜DNS Status’.

Please note! To see these values, all subdomains must be entered and set to live. There is no harm in setting the subdomains to live permanently, as it has no impact on an actual go live. The subdomain will only actually go live when an onboarding agent sets it up.

Adjusting the DNS should be done by the domain administrator. If you have access to the DNS yourself and need help with these adjustments, please feel free to contact

Integrating search & book

There are several options for integrating search & book on your own website:

  • Deeplink to the search & book

You can add a button on your website linking directly to the search and book website.

  • Placing a form on the homepage

It is possible to link to the search & book website via a form.

  • Full API Integration

Indeed, it is also possible to integrate search and book using a Full API Integration.

More information

Do you work with an external web agency and find it easier that this agency contacts us directly, or do you simply want more information yourself? Then feel free to contact us so that we can provide further information about the possibilities

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