Tjekkin app

With Tjekkin, guests can effortlessly check in digitally via the Tjekkin app (Android/IOS). As soon as they picked up the reservation, they can enter their personal details by simply scanning their

ID proof or passport. Main bookers can also enter the details of fellow travellers and

registration number(s) of vehicles easily. All data is processed securely and

automatically synchronised with Booking Experts.

AVG-Proof Personal Data Processing

Tjekkin is committed to privacy and security. Guests give prior consent to share their

data to be shared, ensuring that both guest privacy and AVG regulations are

respected. This not only means less administrative burden for your staff, but also a

safer feeling for your guests.

Simple Activation of the Tjekkin module

Integrating Tjekkin within the Booking Experts platform is quick and easy. After activation

you can expect contact from our experts within a day, who will work with you to set up the necessary

settings and configurations for your administration. So you can immediately benefit from the

benefits of Tjekkin right away. Our support team is always ready to answer any questions and

provide support.

Note: Premium Service with Costs

Tjekkin is a premium service and offers extensive functionality for your accommodation.

There are costs associated with its use. Would you like to know more about pricing, subscription options or a demonstration of Tjekkin? Then get in touch with us!

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