

Here we keep you updated on the latest developments within Booking Experts.

Week 30- 2024


  • Send notifications to administrators for new bookings has now been added.
  • For jobs manually edited by the user, the quantity of jobs is always updated according to the quantity of the order item when the booking changes.
  • In the administrator portal, contractors can see if a booking has been made by an owner.
  • You can now select an invoice template for each invoice type. This allows you to use separate invoice templates for owner invoices and reservation invoices.
  • The permission for administrators to view orders has been changed. They now see the complete order, including prices and without applying invoice rules.


  • We extended the rich text widget with the ability to add tables.

Week 29- 2024


  • Automatic antedating of rent settlements is now possible again via the 'Automatically antedate rent settlements on the last day of the settled period' option in invoice settings.
  • The owner portal now also shows the expected revenue the owner will receive for a reservation, based on the rental and commission agreement with the different percentages per channel.
  • App-store permissions can now be granted separately from manager permissions, meaning it is no longer necessary to turn app administrators into organisation managers.

( For organisation managers, everything remains the same, as 'App-store' permissions are still included in the manager permissions. Note that this permission applies to the organisation as a whole, and so can only be granted and revoked via the organisation-level employee list).

  • Users can now add liquid tags related to contractors in booking-related email templates to share contractor data with guests. Only contractors with the 'view booker contact details' access right will be shared.
  • It is now possible for users to choose machine translations in the translation settings page (Deepl)
  • ICY products can now be applied to a selection of rentable types. This allows us to set a default power value for these types.
  • It is now possible to change the accommodation type of an existing Booking.com accommodati


Recently added colour schemes are now visible to users.

When a user searches for an image using a tag, it is now easier to find the image. And a user no longer needs to add a tag to an image via the media library, you can just add a tag while uploading a new image.

Week 28- 2024


  • A 'change day' filter has been added to the tasks overview page.
  • Organisation administrators can now re-invite employees who have not yet logged in or accepted their role. This is useful in case the invitation emails get lost or the password reset link, which is part of the invitation email, has expired.You can do this by navigating to the relevant employee's organisation role and then clicking the 'Re-invite employee' button in the top right.
  • Reception messages are now sorted more intuitively. The inbox tab is sorted by when the last message was received. The outbox is sorted by when the last message was sent and the archived tab is sorted by when the message conversation was last updated.


  • Removed classic theme code and removed obsolete sticker colour setting from organisation settings.

Week 27- 2024


  • Exports of open payments now show booking details if they represent an entry. Both payment exports and open payments have a new column 'booking number' if they represent an (open) payment on an entry (or booking invoice).
  • Users now have a clearer overview of objects connected to an administrator. Connected objects are now displayed in table and show views.


  • 'Parks' has been renamed to 'subsites' to better fit the site structure.
  • Added a character count for overwriting titles on pages.So now you get a notification if you exceed the limit (60 characters). This is for better SEO.

Week 26- 2024


⭐️ The administrator portal now has a dashboard where external parties can see upcoming check-ins and check-outs, upcoming tasks and a graph of future arrivals and departures.

  • The access control apps now do not check reservations if there is still a blocking todo on the property for the previous reservation.


⭐️ New theme interface is live for CMS

  • The order of image options has changed so that choosing from the library is now the default option, instead of uploading a new image.

Week 25- 2024


  • When importing invoices for one-time owners, the invoice items are now put in the same order as the order in the csv.
  • It is now possible to create/update/delete discount tasks via the API.
  • When creating a periodic task applicable to facilities or periodic charges, it does not make sense that the user can set the 'when should the task be generated' to 'when the object is vacant', as facilities and periodic charges are not objects.Therefore, we now hide the 'When the object is vacant' option when creating a periodic task for facilities or periodic charges.


  • In the CMS, we now mostly use the primary colour from the colour scheme for accent colours such as icons. This is to make migration easier. In future designs, we may also include the secondary colour.
  • The following functions are active when the new theme feature flag is enabled:
  • You can now manage themes and colour schemes in the admin interface. You can assign colour schemes to pages, templates, sections, headers and footers. Colour schemes affect the styling of the website. Note that it does not yet affect the background colour of pages across the site, that still depends on #21307. Once that's done, the new theme functionality will be complete.

Week 24- 2024


  • More consistency has been added regarding late check-out charges. The validity period set now takes into account the start and end dates for charging.

Week 23- 2024


  • Automatic antedating of rental payments has now been removed as a functionality. This way, the invoice date will always be the date you finalised the invoice and sent it to the owner.
  • Within the owner portal, owners can now see property-related features to get an overview of their property and the investments they have made.
  • The search box for blocked periods now also shows results when searching for an ID.

Week 22- 2024


  • The payment info box is now also shown on draft invoices/booking confirmations for reservations that do not yet have an invoice due to invoicing on departure. The payment info also includes the QR code that links to the payment portal that guests can use.
  • We no longer allow archiving channels linked to apps. Users must first delete the app subscription instead.
  • Contractors can now get specific access to certain properties and facilities. They will only be able to view todo's for those objects/facilities in the contractor portal.


  • The colour scheme selector in the CMS admin interface has been improved. It now includes the background, text and primary colour.
  • Submit buttons on forms now always take full width on mobile, making it easier for users to click on them.

Week 21- 2024


  • We have reduced the organisation count in CMS.


  • Updated the type groups page to make it cleaner and easier to navigate.
  • It is now possible to manually check or open accommodations from Booking.com to speed up -onboarding. Creating an accommodation check shows you which points still need to be done to get your Booking.com accommodation live. If there are no more points here, you can put your accommodation live from the Booking.com app.
  • It is now possible to set a custom start and end time for ICY products.

Week 20- 2024


  • VRBO & HomeTo no longer require a payment provider to set up the connection.
  • We now send a default postcode to Booking.com if there is no postcode for an administration/type, as can happen for accommodations in CuraΓ§ao.
  • The reservation filter 'status' in the owners' portal has been updated and is now more logical for the owner. The new filter consists of three status options

(1) confirmed

(2) not yet confirmed (badge = option & not yet confirmed)

(3) cancelled

Week 19- 2024

  • Users can now log into Booking Experts with Microsoft Accounts by clicking on 'Login with Microsoft' on the login page.
  • VRBO & HomeTo no longer require a payment provider to set up the connection.
  • The booking filter 'status' in the owner portal has been updated and now makes more sense for owners. The new filter consists of three status options (1) confirmed, (2) not yet confirmed and (3) cancelled.

Week 18- 2024


⭐️ Users are now only allowed to use one login method at a time. If a user has been using 'Login with Google', they will be forced to continue using it. If you want to use the other login method, i.e. with username and password, you can email support@bookingexperts.nl to reset this.

In the Exact Online app, it is now possible to set up authorisation per configuration. This means you can have configurations for multiple countries.

Hanging guest group of a reservation is now recalculated by default based on the current order. Previously, this was based on the current prices, which meant the user almost always had to change it to get what they wanted.

Week 17- 2024


You can now add a label to a group of guests via a bulk action. This allows the user to easily label all guests who have booked at least 5 times, for example.

It is now possible to log in with Google on the STAGING environment!

We now have an import for types! With this we import texts in multiple languages, facilities, number of bedrooms etc. and details of guest groups.

Week 16- 2024


  • To make it possible for booking system users to import bookings from their previous booking system, we have introduced a framework that makes it easy to create a complete booking with appropriate costs, prices and tasks.
  • Users can now select a different language on the login page.
  • Added separate guest and reservation label filters to statistics.


  • We removed sales leads (and everything related to them) from the CMS. Sales channels have been renamed to form channels. You can now manage a list of channels to use in a selection field in forms.
  • We have changed the styling of the animation programme loaded via the Recreatheek widget to match the way Recreatheek displays it.
  • Headings applied in a rich text widget are aligned in the same way. Either the title widget is used or a title is entered in the description field.

Week 15- 2024


  • The statement of expected payments now takes into account deferred payments. This results in a correct overview compared to outstanding payments in a given period.
  • We also now use a numeric field for the guest group within the plan board, making it possible to make reservations for more than 16 people.
  • It is now possible to change the type of rental blocked by clusters.


  • SVG images can be uploaded to Media in CMS.
  • When a visitor adds a type to the cart, the same seasonal image is shown in the search and book. In the previous situation, a static image was displayed here instead of a seasonal image.
  • Sales channels in CMS are synchronised with linguist so that translations can be ordered.
  • Added a link to PMS invoices in the management interface for CMS billing subscriptions.

Week 14- 2024


  • A new guest group filter has been added to the planning board. This affects the results shown on the planboard and the price in the reservation form.
  • Prices are now visible in the planboard. By default, this price is based on two adults, but this guest group can be changed via the guest group filter on the planboard.
  • The planboard now gives notifications about possible problems when making a reservation (wrong arrival/departure days, no prices, etc.). This notification is given in the window after the user selects a particular date.
  • The guest group filter on the planning board starts blank (instead of with 2 adults), so that single rooms are also shown by default.


  • Settings for footer are enabled for all users. Due to the footer migration, this was an administrator-only feature.

Week 13- 2024


  • There is an option to add point calculation for CAT card products.
  • DAC7 reporting and XML export functionality has been added, allowing users to submit DAC7 data to their local tax authorities (availability: only German parks with owner module).
  • Users can now edit 'to be invoiced' tasks in bulk. Applying the 'Ignore' bulk action changes the settings of the selected tasks so that the tasks are no longer displayed in the 'To be invoiced' tab.

Week 12- 2024



  • All statistics are now real-time!
  • We have added many new statistics, such as ADR and RevPar, and are now more in line with the travel industry.
  • It is now possible to create multiple reports and we have added two sample reports to all administrations.
  • Administration statistics are now only available at organisation level.
  • Linking statistics to Google Sheets is now only available for statistics stored in reports, so you can find and update them later

  • German date notations are now displayed correctly everywhere!
  • In preparation for deleting grouped types, the following actions on them have been made admin-only: new, create, copy and dearchive. It is also no longer possible to convert a type to a grouped rentable type.


  • Initial data for new organisations has been cleaned up. The default front page for new organisations has sections.
  • Dynamic remarketing parameteris added to the data layer for front pages on sections. This parameter is used for dynamic remarketing campaigns in Google Ads.
  • We brought back the option to show all accommodations on a page using the 'Accommodation List' widget.
  • Users can now type in the input field of the page selection field in the placement widget. This is to ensure that pages can be searched by typing, rather than scrolling through the entire dropdown.

Week 11- 2024


  • In the Exact online app, it is now possible to filter journal entries by 'failed'. In doing so, you filter out journal entries that have not been synchronised.


  • In sections, it is now possible to use a background image covering multiple sections. When you assign the same background image to sections that follow each other, the image will run across all sections.

Week 10- 2024


  • The payment method for payments through a Mollie terminal is now also displayed in the reservation with the name given to the payment method for this terminal. This is instead of just 'Via cashier', as the (refund) payment is not made via the cashier, but is refunded via Mollie. This ensures that users can choose the right back payment method, as it now leads to duplicate refunds.
  • Users now have the option to automatically anonymise guest data after x number of years. You can find that here.


  • It is now possible for a customer to customise the transition between the last section and the footer more.This gives customers more options to customise the look of their site and make it more unique. Changing the footer transition is possible via Settings -> Footers -> Edit menu footer.

Week 9- 2024


  • The user gets a notification on the reservation screen if booker details are missing.
  • An export function of all journal transactions has been added to the trial balance, allowing the user to check all financial flows for a given period.


  • With this update, users now have improved privacy when using the video widget for YouTube and Vimeo. Cookies are not set by default.
  • For customers who have migrated to sections, we have introduced templates. A template can be used to load reusable content on multiple pages. You now only need to manage a template in one place and it changes on all pages where it is used.

Week 8- 2024


  • The option not to display the card if there are less than x (default is 2) number of objects has been reintroduced in the PMS for checkout.


  • Google Consent Mode v2 is implemented for all users using the cookie module of BEX CMS. When loading the website, the default consent script is loaded. After a visitor gives a consent, the consent status is automatically updated. With this current update implementing Google Consent Mode v2, the first step in refreshing the cookie module in BEX CMS has also been made. In the coming time we will work on updating the cookie banner and optimizing/extending cookie settings.
  • Whatsapp and email settings are now a feature that all CMS users can customise.
  • The Mailing campaign contacts app is no longer needed to synchronise email addresses from email campaigns as long as the BEX CMS app is installed.

Week 7- 2024


  • The search for bookers has been updated. It is now possible to search bookers by first and last name, e-mail address and postcode and home address. Users can reduce the list of booker suggestions by filling in more search fields (indicated by a magnifying glass icon).
  • You can now also send reminders and summonses to bookings without an invoice (invoice on departure).
  • You can now upload .webp files to BEX


  • The default minimum number of adults when searching and booking can be set to '1'.

Week 6- 2024



What has changed.

  • Uploading logos for invoices, emails and templates has been moved to brand and portal settings in organisation settings.
  • We are introducing two types of brands:
  1. Administration brand: every administration is required to have an administration brand. The administration brand is used for all communication from the administration to the guest (invoices, templates, emails, checkout portal, payment portal, guest portal).
  2. Channel brand: it is optional to have channel brands. A channel brand overwrites the administration brand for the checkout and payment portal for the set channel
  • It is possible to have a channel brand on emails/templates, by using the tag. ('logo' is the administration mark, 'channel.logo' is the channel mark).
  • The send address and send name for emails can now be set for different languages.
  • The brand settings have been extended to include a logo on white. If this logo on white is uploaded, it is used for invoices, emails and templates. The logo on colour is used for the portals, with the header providing the background colour.


  • Widget headers now have a "centred" type option, which aligns the header (title and subtitle) centrally.
  • We have added custom styling classes to sections, allowing our website builders to apply specific styling in a more targeted way

Week 5- 2024


  • We added the ability to add a separate rule regarding VAT on statements.
  • German content in PMS/CMS can now be translated into English, Dutch and French, as German has been added as a source language.
  • If you do not have Setup extended rights for Setup, you are now no longer directed to a part of the -system that you do not have the appropriate rights for.
  • Users are notified when the new payment exceeds the amount to be paid.
  • VAT code' and 'Distribute via' are not shown for most fixed balance accounts.
  • The area of an object has been added to objects import and export.


  • A rich text field has been added to the footer to allow more adjustments in the first column.

Week 4- 2024


  • It is now possible to disable the "Confirm reservation immediately" setting for channels with a proprietary site. Own site channels are channels that are automatically created when you use BEX CMS to create a site.

Week 3- 2024


  • We've added more filters to the page for assigning general ledger accounts. We also show the internal name for expenses, so users can quickly see what they are allocating without having to open the expense item.
  • It is no longer possible to add negative payments to a +payment.
  • Internal names of costs are now also shown when exporting costs.
  • Internal cost names are now also shown in the overview of recharged costs.


  • The search and book bar can now be applied to custom pages that now work on sections.

Week 2- 2024
  • A filter has been added on the payable invoices page to display only invoices from bookings with checked-out reservations.
  • Area of types and identities can now be retrieved & set via API V3.
  • Match existing owners in owner import on both debtor code and contact details.
  • When billing on confirmation, guests who booked through tour operators and were charged extra fees directly received an email with the 'reservation invoice' template. Now they get an e-mail with the new template 'Booking confirmation for tour operator'.
  • Guest list information related to the guest's address can now be defined separately.
  • Area added to rentable type and rentable identity.
  • Column sections now have the option to add padding (extra space) at the top and bottom.
  • The 'Invoices to be paid' view now filters out invoices or bookings for which a refund has already been started but not yet processed.
  • We added more filters to the page for assigning general ledger accounts. We also show the internal name for expenses, so users can quickly see what they are allocating without having to open the expense entry.
  • The old V2 energy label compatibility has been removed. We now fully use V3 for energy labels.
  • The search and book bar can now be applied to custom pages that now work on sections.

Week 1- 2024
  • Order items for mandatory charges now have a description (if any)
  • It is now possible to make a PIN refund via a terminal with BEX Payments.
  • It is possible to insert a button in the new footer to link to a custom page.
  • We have added the ability to add custom billing information to owner cards.
  • Booking.com administration assignments are now automatically disabled if Booking.com replies that we don't have access to the property
  • URL for customer contact now points to an endpoint that redirects you to the park's customer page if you don't have permission to view the organisation's customer page.
  • We have added a summary to internal messages sent to multiple owners with information on which owners the message was sent to.

Week 52 - 2023
  • The option 'Hide accommodation selection map when the number of available accommodation is less than' has disappeared from 'Search & book settings' at both organisation and park level because it no longer did anything.
  • The 'Show book button in navigation' has disappeared from 'Search & book settings' because it no longer did anything.
  • It is possible to sort the list of urls to be redirected from A-Z.
  • When creating a redirect, the system automatically selects/advises the most logical URL.
  • The domain filter function and search function for redirects has been made available again.
  • The payment status on the reservation page now shows detailed totals for bookings with multiple reservations.
  • The way periodic invoice items are invoiced is now shown within the agreement editor. This gives the user a better overview of what is actually billed and when it can be expected.

Week 51 - 2023
  • Social media icons in footer and widget UI feedback
  • A search filter has been added to distribution apps to help filter out active and inactive linked types.
  • The ICY integration now also records meter readings with decimals.
  • The search function in the url settings is available again.
  • Minor changes to the channels overview to make it look a bit neater.

Week 50 - 2023
  • Allow split revenue over months in combination with invoice at departure. Make options for journalizing revenue more clear. 
  • Contractors can now add images to todo's. 
  • We fully migrated to Payment methods on V3, so payment methods in V2 have been removed.
  • The interface of the dashboard in the CMS has been changed to an overview of all pages. 
  • We’ve added an empty state to the energy labels on objects, in case you have made a mistake.
  • The recaptcha notice is shown at a better place in the forms.
  • A 60-minute delay is added to Dorma KABA SMS messages.
  • Recaptcha is automatically enabled for all forms and cannot be disabled anymore.
  • Title and target attributes were added to links in the themed menu and copyright menu in the footer.
  • When editing the footer settings, It's now possible to configure a background color for the image list section on the bottom of the footer. 
  • Show form on top of the extra's column in the footer. 

Week 49 - 2023
  • Within the App Store we now have more statussen for apps that are being developed.
  • We’ve added a activity stamp to Apps, in order to have an overview of which Apps are inactive or sleeping.
  • Check for installing BEX Payments has been added to the checklist.
  • Added postal code to guest list for address details. This is mandatory for Austria.
  • Added the Email address and the object number to the export of reviews.
  • Todo invoices were lacking a clear overview. Invoice items were displayed in an unordered list. In the new situation, the invoice items are grouped by object, so owners have a clear overview of the payable amounts per object.

Week 48 - 2023
  • The permission 'Setup' has been modified. People who only have the 'Setup ' permission and not 'Setup Advanced' no longer have rights to modify types, price lists and discounts actions.
  • You can now export tasks cost items.
  • There is now an overview page with expected meter reading settlements.
  • You can now create expected meter reading settlements in bulk.
  • Retrieve the preferred language of the guest from Booking.com.
  • Tax Identification Number has been added to individual owner cards.
  • Energy label is now live on the object pages.
  • ReCaptcha links to privacy policy and terms of service will be opened in a new tab.
  • The gem that checks the VAT numbers is now updated
  • Stickers can be made in the CMS Content settings and can be selected per custom page (only for custom pages using sections).
  • Blocked objects by clusters now also show tasks for cleaning, this way the object will not be entered whilst guests are still there.
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