Comparing periods

You can compare periods in the statistics. You can create special periods for this, such as Easter. This way, you can see how Easter this year compared to previous years. This allows you to know whether you have made progress during this period this year.

Creating special periods

To create special periods for the statistics, go to the cog icon and then to Special periods. Click +New to create a new special period. Give the period a name and set the desired period(s). You can do this for each year in the same period group. Then click on Add special periods.

Edit special periods

If a special period has already been created and its date is not correct, it is possible to edit this period. You can also add the period for the new year to the current period group. This adjustment will then also be included in the statistics. To do so, click on the special period and adjust the data. Then click Update special periods.

Special periods in Statistics

After creating the Special periods, you can set this period as a filter in Statistics. To do so, go to Statistics. Choose the statistics you want to see. Then click the arrow behind Per month. There you can choose Special periods.

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