Set brands

Every Administration needs a brand, because a brand allows you to make communication to your Guests your own. In your brand, you can set different components: a logo, theme colours, fonts and communication style. These components are reflected on your invoice, e-mails, Templates and the portals. A brand can apply to 1 or more administrations with underlying channels (Administration brand) or to 1 or more channels (Channel brand). Besides being able to create a brand that you can apply to an administration or channel, there is a default brand. This default brand is applied to any administration that does not have its own administration brand.

What is an administration brand?

An administration brand is applied to all communication from the selected administration to the guest. This means that this brand is shown on the invoices, emails, Templates and portals of the selected administration. It is possible to apply a brand to multiple Administrations.

What is a channel brand?

It is optional to create a channel brand. A channel brand overrides the administration brand only for the Booking portal and the payment portal. In addition, it is possible to display a channel brand on emails and Templates, you can add this yourself to your email/template as a booking property.

What is a default brand?

A default brand is actually the back-up brand for your administrations. If you don't set a different brand for administrations, your administration will be given the default brand.

This is an organisation feature, you need organisation manager rights to get insight into this.

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