View and edit reservations

You can view all made reservations, options and cancellations under the Reservations tab. You can use the filters to select reservations. You can also choose to view only options, for example. When you click a reservation, you can view the following data.

View Reservation


Stop left you will see the details of the Reservation. These are details such as the booking number, the channel, etc. If you want to change this data, you will have to change it in that block as well. The fields with a pencil behind them can be changed. You can also cancel a booking here.


Every Reservation has a main booker and a main guest. Now these will usually be the same person. Only in the case of a group booking, this is not the case. Then the main booker might be Pa & Ma Wildschut who also make a booking for their son Patrick Wildschut and the family and their daughter Merlinde Wildschut and the family. Pa and Ma Wildschut are the Booker and son Patrick and daughter Merlinde Wildschut are both a chief guest. Information about the booker can also be changed in the Booker data, for example name and address details, language, Labels, etc.

Payment status

In the payment status, you can still see from the payment bar whether the invoice has been paid or not. We also give an overview of the total amount of the invoice, what has been paid (by clicking on the icon behind paid, you can immediately see the payments booked) and the outstanding amount. From this overview, you can resend the invoice, edit payment policies, add a payment, add a refund or redeem a voucher. Click on Show history to get an overview of all invoices sent and payments booked.


When working with invoicing at departure, you can create a guest invoice here if you need it before the guest checks out. If you work with invoicing on confirmation, the invoice will be available immediately after confirming the booking. You can send the invoice here, view the invoice, defer payment and view the journal entries.


Under the booking heading you can resend the booking confirmation and add a reservation if you wish to make a group booking.


By reservation you can check in the reservation and see the details of the reservation. Here you can change the object, period of stay and travel party, among other things. This is also the place to fill in the guest's registration number and guest list.


An order remains open until you make it a final invoice. From the order overview, you can directly add a package, packages or extras. You can give a discount on each line (by clicking on the pencil on the right) or you can enter a variable Costs to process a discount. To delete a line, you can click on the bin icon behind the line.

Packages are discounts on rent with additional mandatory extras. Packages are packages without a discount on rent. Extras are costs.

Does the reservation price change due to your changes? Then you will see three options at the top of the Reservation if you work with invoicing upon confirmation.

  • Write off: You use this if the guest does not have to pay for the extras.
  • Mark as confirmed: This means you confirm the change but do not send it to the guest.
  • Send guest confirmation: You send a new booking confirmation to the guest by e-mail.

If you work with invoicing on departure, you will be shown two options if no guest invoice exists yet.

  • Skip: You do not send a new confirmation to the guest.
  • Send booking confirmation again: Send confirmation to guest:

Overview tasks, auto emails and reception messages

Right at the bottom of the screen you will find an overview of the scheduled tasks and you can create a new task directly if necessary. In addition, you can see the auto emails that have already been sent or are still to be sent. You can resend an auto email or, if you don't want to wait for it to be sent, send it immediately. Under Reception messages you will also find the internal messages sent for this Reservation.

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