Setting cancellation fees

In this article, you will read how to set cancellation fees and the timeframe for doing so. It is possible to set the cancellation policy in advance. You can specify what percentage of the rent, or of the total amount of the invoice, a cancellation fee should be charged for each period up to arrival.

Cancellation policy can be set here. You can set and create as many deadlines as you like. This should always be 100%. In addition, you can set any administrative costs that come on top of the cancellation fee.

Note: your Cancellation policy applies to all Types and all Channels. It is not possible to set this per type, per channel.

Forward Costs on cancellation

When setting a cost, you have the option to set a policy for cancellation invoices. There are three options for this:

  • Include in basis: the same percentage of the cancellation policy is also charged on this cost item. For example, if the cost in the reservation is €100, and your Cancellation policy indicates a 10% cancellation fee over the Reservation, it will also take 10% of the €100.
  • 1-to-1 takeover: all costs in the normal Reservation are taken over directly in the cancellation invoice. €100 in the Reservation still remains €100 when cancelled.
  • Exclude: the cost is not included in the cancellation charge.

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