Availability of types per channel

For all linked channels, it is possible to specify which types you want to display on this channel. So it is also possible to exclude types for certain channels.

Managing the type exclusions

You can manage the availability of your types per channel by navigating to 'Channels' via the cog icon and selecting the relevant channel there. You will then see the 'Manage type exclusions' button at the top right of your screen. Do you want to make the type available on the channel? Then check the availability - identified by a blue bar. Do you want to exclude type for the channel? Then uncheck availability - identified by a grey bar.

Within the 'Manage type exclusions' screen, it is also possible to indicate in the top right-hand corner that you want to make new types automatically available for the channel in question. This ensures that your newly created types are immediately forwarded.

These settings require at least the rights 'Access' and 'Setup'.

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