Travel agency

Are you a travel agent and want to book reservations directly into the administration of a vacation park? You can! We have publicly recorded our API documentation. You can find our API documentation here.

Have you reviewed the information and are you ready to get started? Then start by creating your own travel agency account. A travel agency account is free.

Travel agency account and login

We recommend that you first take a look at our API documentation for developers.

If you want to create a travel agency account, please email After the account is created you can use your e-mail address and password to log in here.

Note that you must link accounts with administrations of parks to be able to book reservations.

Overview page

In the overview you will find all relevant information. You see the API information to make API calls. You can view the linked administrations and directly link new administrations and also see a preview of reservations made.

Adding administrations

Next you can ask the administrations for which you want to make bookings to create your travel agency as a channel. They can send the API key associated with the channel back to you. You add this API key in your travel agency portal. To do this, go to the linked administrations tab and click +Link an administration.

Booking reservations

To book a reservation on an administration, log into the travel agency portal. Go to the linked administrations tab. Behind the desired administration, click +Create a new reservation with this administration. Use the filters to arrive at the desired accommodation for your guest.

By clicking on Specify behind the price you will see the exact price structure of the type. The price structure changes immediately if you change anything in the filters, for example if you add a pet in many cases you will see that extra costs are immediately charged. So the price is current. Does the customer agree with the price? Then you can place the reservation by clicking the Reserve button on the right side. Enter the guest details and book any extras and place the reservation.

View made reservations

In the menu bar you can choose Reservations to view all made reservations. You can filter here by administration to see how many reservations you book per administration.

With the reservations the rental turnover is also shown.

Note that this always shows the rental turnover excluding VAT.

Linked users

If you are the primary linked user of this account, then you can create linked users. For example, this could be an employee who is also allowed and able to log into this portal. Linked users have access to this travel agency's portal. Among other things, a linked user can manage the linked administrations and make reservations. A linked user, on the other hand, cannot create a linked user. To create a linked user, click the Associated Users tab. Click the +Pair a user button to add a user. Enter the e-mail address and click Link user.


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