Creating Channels

It is possible to set up Channels that give you good insight into how a Reservation was made. Every OTA you work with, your own website and the back office have their own channel. You also have the Owners channel on which reservations made by owners are processed. The owner channel is intended for reservations made via the owner's promotional link.

Do you work with seasonal sites and want to make reservations for them? Then you can use a separate channel for this. You can then link your own Costs to it, making it even easier to make seasonal pitch reservations. This can only be used for reservations you make in the back office. You can then choose the channel on which you want to make the Reservation.

Create channel

via the cogwheel to Channels. Click on +New to create a new channel.

Select a channel from the list or choose Other to create your own channel. Fill in the following details.


When you create a new channel that does not appear in the list by default, it is important to know how invoicing works. In you do the Payments yourself or does the channel do that for you? Based on that, is the channel a tour operator or a reseller. This is because with a tour operator, payments are made through the channel, while with a reseller, you collect payments yourself.

Give access to reservations

If there is an API connection, you can determine whether the other party may also see all the details of your reservations (i.e. also those not made via this channel). This may be useful for that party for marketing purposes, for example. In other cases, you can leave this off.

Billing rent and cost items

Here you indicate whether you want to bill the rent to the channel or to the guest. For a reseller you choose to the guest and for a tour operator you choose to the channel.

You can also set this for the Costs. You can do this for all cost items at once or you can determine per cost item whether it should be invoiced to the channel or to the guest.

Example: Suppose you work with and you have to work collect. This means that the guest pays to It is then often the case that the guest does not pay the tourist tax through but to you as an organisation. Then it is necessary to invoice the cost item tourist tax to the guest and the rent to the channel.

Other billing settings

Invoicing allows you to determine how a reservation should be processed:

  • Can a reservation be confirmed immediately or should it be done manually?
  • Should a channel invoice be sent to the channel?
  • Will the guest invoice be paid upon arrival?
  • If multiple currencies apply, you can define which currency should be used to charge this channel.

Payment policies

For each channel you can set the payment policy. If the channel is a reseller, you can only set the payment policies for guest invoices. If the channel is a tour operator, you need to set the payment scheme for both channel and guest invoices.

Contact details

Fill in the channel's contact details and save the changes.

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