
You can create an allotment per channel. This allows you to specify per type how many Rentals of this type may be booked by the relevant channel. The allotment ensures that this number of objects cannot be booked via the front office, back office or other Channels.

Setting allotments per channel

You can create an allotment for a specific channel in the following way. Go to Allotments via the cog icon. To create a new allotment, click the +add allotment button. Then choose the channel and the desired type. Enter a start and end date and how many Channels you want to assign to this channel. Then click Save allotment.

The allotment is now in the overview and can be modified if necessary by clicking the allotment ID.

You can use the filter to display all allotments created for a certain channel or type. In this overview, you can also sort by start or end date of the allotments.

You can also use Allotments to temporarily not transfer objects to a certain channel. Choose 0 for quantity.

How allotments work

An allotment allows you to offer a predefined number of Types per channel. The number of available accommodations for the allotment is checked per day.

Below is an example of an allotment of 1 room for the period from 2 to 9 May:

Reception messages "No more free availability "

When you receive a Reception message with the subject "No more free availability", the system indicates that for the specified period there is no more availability for other Channels.

The message does not indicate that the allotment is full for that period, but that all other Channels can no longer book for that specific period.

Allotment and minimum number of nights

The allotment does not take into account settings of the type in question. It only looks at whether per day within that allotment the allocated number of Rentals is available.

Reservation with no more allotment for a certain channel

When an allotment is set for a channel and it is full, no more reservations can be added for this channel. If you still want to add this booking, you will have to increase or remove the allotment. You can do this by editing the allotment and decreasing the number of Rentals or delete the allotment altogether.

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