Salto Access System link
🇳🇱 Nederlandse vertaling
In this support article you will read how to set up an access system link with Salto in Booking Experts.
1. Settings in Salto
2. Create link with Salto
3. Authorization Mapping (optional)
4. Set door or room name for accommodation
5. Create or edit card types
6. Create, edit or delete access rules
7. Generate automatically
8. Create access card
9. Read card
10. Copy access card
11. Reuse cards
12. Link new card to a reservation
13. Link new card to an owner
14. Printers
15. Access via App
16. Technical support
Settings in Salto
To create the link, you will have to set up your basic information in Salto.
In the ProAcess Space:
- Go to General options and select PMS;
- Select Industry Standard;
- Set channel to TCP/IP;
- Select Industry Standard rule and click Modify;
- Set port number to 8090;
- Open ProAccess Space Configurator and restart the service.
You will also have to make some adjustments to Windows Firewall:
- Open Windows Defender firewall settings;
- Add new rule;
- Open port 8090.
Create link with Salto
Salto system has one way of linking, namely using fixed plastic cards.
To link using the Salto system, you first have to be able to use the 'gate control' module. If your organization does not have this module turned on yet, please contact support.
- Go to the tab Access;
- Select Access systems in the sub-menu on the right;
- Click the new button and select Salto;
- Here, you are asked to input a URL, which can be set at Salto. The URL you need here is an external IP address followed by an externally accessible port. For example:
- Click Add access system to save the information.
Then you have to create the cards in Booking Experts just as they are saved in the Salto system.
Authorization Mapping (optional)
The Salto system allows you to set 62 different authorizations. These are numbered 1 to 62. If you do not wish to memorize all the codes, Authorization Mapping allows you to link a name to a specific code. This makes it more comprehensible for you and other users which accommodation you are working with.
Example: Authorization 23 deals with access to the sauna and the swimming pool. You can name this authorization Sauna & Swimming pool.
You will see this authorization again when creating card types.
Set door or room name for accommodation
In Salto, your accommodation number in Booking Experts might not match the number used in Salto. In this case, you can set which number corresponds to the accommodation in question.
- Go to the accommodation in question;
- Click Edit;
- Enter the Door or room name;
- Click Save accommodation to save the information.
Create or edit card types
- Select Card types in the sub-menu on the right;
- Click the new button and fill in the information:
a. Name (choose this yourself);
b. Printer name; this has already been added to Salto and needs to match;
c. Choose the checkmark Add all card numbers to one card which makes it possible for all card lines to be set to 1 card number. This makes the process of printing easier because copies are made standard;
d. Select the authorizations to add to the card (optional);
e. Select the authorizations to specifically not add to the card (optional);
f. Extra text to add to the card;
i.Here you can choose to add extra text to cards that are to be printed out. This could be the name of the organization or the emergency number in cases of emergency. This information can then be viewed on a display (if this applies to the locks);
ii. Here, you can enter three rules, if you have indicated in Salto to make use of the 'tracks' that are used for the authorization; - Click Create card type to save the information.
If you want to edit a card, click Edit at the card you wish to edit.
After creating the cards, you will have to create various rules for the cards. This way, the right cards are generated for all accommodations behind access gate 1.
Create, edit or delete access rules
- Select Automatic generation in the sub-menu on the right;
- Click the New access rule button and fill in the information:
a. Select the card type for which you want to set the rule;
b. Select the identification method for this rule;
c. Select whether the rule needs to be applied via costs. If this is the case, this needs to be indicated at the cost in question;
d. Select whether the rule needs to be applied to all reservations and how many times it needs to be created:
i. Per piece;
ii. Per person, select the guest groups for which this card needs to be created;
iii. Per accommodation;
iv. Select whether the rule applies to all types, a specific type or for a specific type group;
e. Click Create card rule to save the information.
If you want to edit an access card rule, click Edit at the rule you wish to edit.
If you want to delete an access card rule, click Delete at the rule you wish to delete.
Generate automatically
When linking with Salto, you can automatically create access cards for a reservation. The reservation will have to be confirmed and must be paid in full.
If you want to make use of this, you will have to set this in the access gate system;
- Go to the Access tab;
- Select Access systems in the submenu on the right;
- Click on the access gate to edit;
- Select Automatically generate access cards;
- Click Save access system to save the information.
Create access card
When an access card has been created via automatic generation, it will be shown as active for the reservation. This will not be linked to a card yet. To link, the information of the access card in Booking Experts will have to be printed on the card via the desk terminal.
- Go to the reservation in question;
- Click 1 card (or the number of active cards);
- In the overview of access cards, click on the card ID and then Print for the card(s) in question:
a. The desk terminal indicates with a beep that you can place the card;
b. The desk terminal will stop beeping when the card has been written.
Read card
Cards linked with Salto can be read in Booking Experts.
- Select Access cards in the sub-menu on the right;
- Click Read Card;
- The desk terminal will beep when you can place the card in question;
- The system displays the information on the card and gives a suggestion for the card in question in Booking Experts;
- No information is displayed if the card is empty.
Copy access card
It is possible to copy existing cards. This way, you can create multiple cards with the same information in 1 go.
- Go to the access card you wish to copy;
- Click on the card ID and then click Copy;
- Enter how many cards you wish to create;
- The desk terminal indicates with a beep that you can place the card;
- If the indicated number of cards have been created, the desk terminal stops beeping;
- The copied cards show the copy number.
Please note! When copying an active and valid card, no value is given for the start date because the desk terminal does not copy this.
It is also possible to copy multiple cards at once. For this you can do the following:
- Go to the Access tab;
- Click on the Access cards sub tab;
- Tick the card you want to copy;
- Choose a printer you wish to print the cards with;
- Click on Print;
- Now you get a popup asking how many cards should be copied. Fill in the amount of cards that need to be copied;
- The desk terminal indicates with a beep that you can place the card;
- If the indicated number of cards have been created, the desk terminal stops beeping;
- The copied cards show the copy number.
Reuse cards
Used cards will not automatically be cleared after they are no longer valid. Old cards, however, can be reused without needing to do anything.
So when reading an old card, the information will still be there.
Please note! Deleting a card in Booking Experts can be done by clicking on the card ID followed by Delete. This will result in a written card from which the accommodation has been deleted.
Link new card to a reservation
You might want to add an extra card to a reservation if, for example, a guest has someone stay over for a few nights. You will want to process this information for the specific reservation in Booking Experts, in case the card is lost or does not function properly anymore.
- Go to the reservation in question;
- At the access cards, click:
a. No cards if no cards have been generated for this reservation yet;
b. 1 card (or the number of active cards) if cards have already been generated; - Select Salto #xxx;
- Select Create access cards;
- Select the card type;
- Select the identification method;
- Select Make new card numbers for me if you work with printed cards and the system can generate a card number. Enter the number of cards you wish to create;
- Set the period of validity for the card;
- Select Create access cards to save the information;
- In the overview of access cards, click on the card ID and then Print for the card(s) in question:
a. The desk terminal indicates with a beep that you can place the card;
b. The desk terminal will stop beeping when the card has been written.
Link new card to an owner
When working with owners that have access to the park, you will want them to be free to drive in and out or make use of the swimming pool. You will want to process this information for the specific owner in Booking Experts, in case the card is lost or does not function properly anymore.
- Go to the owner in question;
- At the access cards, click:
a. No cards if no cards have been generated for this reservation yet;
b. 1 card (or the number of active cards) if cards have already been generated; - Select Salto #xxx;
- Select Create access cards;
- Select the card type;
- Select the identification method;
- Select Make new card numbers for me if you work with printed cards and the system can generate a card number. Enter the number of cards you wish to create;
- Set the period of validity for the card;
- Select Create access cards to save the information;
- In the overview of access cards, click on the card ID and then Print for the card(s) in question:
a. The desk terminal indicates with a beep that you can place the card;
b. The desk terminal will stop beeping when the card has been written.
2. Select Printers in the right menu;
3. Click + New;
4. Enter an internal name as desired;
5. Enter the external printer name or number.
Note: The external printer name or number must fully match the name set at Salto.
Access via App
2. The guest opens the JustIN Mobile app and registers by entering their number and requesting a code. This must be done before the card is sent from Booking Experts, but in principle this can be months in advance.
4. The registration will then automatically appear in the guest's app;
Technical support
If there are certain technical questions regarding the processing of data, you can always contact the (Dutch) technical support department of Salto at:
00 31 20 635 31 00