Overview nights stayed and tourist tax declaration

Overview number of nights

You can export a list of nights stayed from Booking Experts for the tourist tax return. To do this, go to the 'Reservations' tab and then the 'Stayed nights' submenu. In the overview of stayed nights you have the option to filter on a specific date or period in the top left corner. From this overview you can check the reservations and adjust the number of persons in the reservation if necessary.

The overview will show the number of nights stayed during this period and the number of people for each night of the stay.

Example: if 3 adults stayed during a period of 7 days, this means there is a total of 21 stayed nights by adults!

Export data

If desired, you can export this data for a simple tourist tax calculation. To do this, click on the 'Export' button at the bottom of the page. To calculate the tourist tax due in the export file, add up the number of people for whom tax is charged. Multiply this number by the cost of the tourist tax per person per night. The number is already multiplied by the number of nights, so you don't need to do this anymore.

Nights stayed in one month

The overview of stayed nights is created for the payment of tourist tax and it is based on the end date of the reservations. This means that reservations, which partially take place in the previous month, won't be cut off in the new month.

Do you want an overview of the stayed nights in one month? Then you can export the number of stayed night. You can further filter out this export manually or edit it in Excel so that you are left with only reservations that fall within the month.

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