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Change VAT rate

The booked VAT rate will be fixed on the invoice line in Booking Experts, so no changes can be made to an invoice or receipt line in the past. If you have accidentally charged the wrong VAT rate on one or more invoice or sales receipt lines, you can change this. 

Change general VAT rate

Does the VAT change? Then you can link the new VAT rate. By creating a new VAT rate and linking it to a VAT code from a certain period the new VAT rate applies. To change the rate go to VAT Codes.

You can delete the old VAT rate if it is not used and not booked on an Invoice items or Receipt items.

Change VAT on the invoice or receipt line itself

To change the VAT rate on the invoice or Receipt items line, first open the corresponding invoice or Receipt items. On the Invoice items, click the pencil icon. Then click on the appropriate VAT rate and click Apply.

From the overview of invoices

Want to change multiple Invoice items in bulk? Then go to the Invoice items. By using the filter options, the desired Invoice items will come up. Then select the appropriate Invoice items whose VAT you want to change and click Adjust at the top. Select the desired VAT rate and then click Continue.

From the checkout receipt overview

Go to the Receipt items. By filtering, find the relevant Receipt items. Select one or more Receipt items. Then select the desired VAT rate and click Apply to selection.

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