Standard ledger accounts

Booking Experts uses a number of standard ledger accounts to generate financial overviews. You have the option to change ledger numbers to make them correspond to your own general ledger accounts.

Standard accounts:

1000 Cash Balance Cash payments
1010 Bank suspense account Balance Bank transfers
1020 Cash card suspense account Balance Debit & Credit payments
1030 PSP suspense account Balance For payment service providers like Buckaroo. This is a suspense account registering payments that have come in through a payment service provider
1040 Safe suspense account Balance Money that is being deposited into the safe, from the cash registers
1300 Reservations Balance For reservation invoices (guest debtors)
1310 Channels Balance For channel reservation invoices (channel debtors)
1320 POS suspense account Balance This is where the transactions of cash registers/POS are registered, until the POS is closed
1600 Owners Balance For owner rent settlements (owner creditors)
1700 Pre-invoiced turnover Balance To enable turnover being booked as income on the checkout date, rather than payment date
1800 VAT payable low Balance
1810 VAT payable high Balance
2010 Settlements Balance Is used to settle invoices in case credit invoices are applied to reservations
2020 Paid by batch Balance
2030 Vouchers in circulation Balance
2040 Other administrations Balance
2050 Advances Balance
2060 Security deposits Balance Here, all paid deposits are kept
4300 Security deposit damages Balance The amounts deducted from security deposits through damage reports

Uncategorized payments Balance All uncategorised payments. This account should always be empty
4900 Payment differences Profit and loss
4910 Cash differences Profit and loss
8000 Rent turnover Profit and loss Standard account for rent turnover

Uncategorized expenses Profit and loss If no ledger account is known for the item (bought from third party)

Uncategorized turnover Profit and loss If no ledger account is known for the item (sold to third party)


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