Standard ledger accounts
Booking Experts uses a number of standard ledger accounts to generate financial overviews. You have the option to change ledger numbers to make them correspond to your own general ledger accounts.
Standard accounts:
1000 | Cash | Balance | Cash payments |
1010 | Bank suspense account | Balance | Bank transfers |
1020 | Cash card suspense account | Balance | Debit & Credit payments |
1030 | PSP suspense account | Balance | For payment service providers like Buckaroo. This is a suspense account registering payments that have come in through a payment service provider |
1040 | Safe suspense account | Balance | Money that is being deposited into the safe, from the cash registers |
1300 | Reservations | Balance | For reservation invoices (guest debtors) |
1310 | Channels | Balance | For channel reservation invoices (channel debtors) |
1320 | POS suspense account | Balance | This is where the transactions of cash registers/POS are registered, until the POS is closed |
1600 | Owners | Balance | For owner rent settlements (owner creditors) |
1700 | Pre-invoiced turnover | Balance | To enable turnover being booked as income on the checkout date, rather than payment date |
1800 | VAT payable low | Balance | |
1810 | VAT payable high | Balance | |
2010 | Settlements | Balance | Is used to settle invoices in case credit invoices are applied to reservations |
2020 | Paid by batch | Balance | |
2030 | Vouchers in circulation | Balance | |
2040 | Other administrations | Balance | |
2050 | Advances | Balance | |
2060 | Security deposits | Balance | Here, all paid deposits are kept |
4300 | Security deposit damages | Balance | The amounts deducted from security deposits through damage reports |
Uncategorized payments | Balance | All uncategorised payments. This account should always be empty | |
4900 | Payment differences | Profit and loss | |
4910 | Cash differences | Profit and loss | |
8000 | Rent turnover | Profit and loss | Standard account for rent turnover |
Uncategorized expenses | Profit and loss | If no ledger account is known for the item (bought from third party) | |
Uncategorized turnover | Profit and loss | If no ledger account is known for the item (sold to third party) |