Booking on the map

If you have a map, you can use it to let the guest choose a rental on the map during the reservation process. This allows guests to choose the rental that best suits their personal wishes. This article explains more about creating, setting up and booking on a map.

To add a map, you need the map module. This is a submenu under the setup tab. Is the submenu 'map' not there? Please send an e-mail to and we can activate this module for you.

Uploading a map

Through the submenu map, you can upload a map in Booking Experts. After uploading the map it might take a while before the map becomes visible because in the background we are making sure that your map uploads in the best condition. By refreshing the page, you can check whether the map has already been uploaded. Once the map is uploaded, you can mark all the available rentals.

Make sure that you are uploading a high-quality file, preferably with the file-type .png

Marking objects

After uploading the map, you can mark the available rentals on the map. To do so, you need to click on the location marker in the top left corner of the map, after which you mark the rentals and add the right name to the marked rental.

You don't want preferred bookings to be available for all of your rentals. Therefore, on the map you only mark the rentals for which preferred bookings are an option.

Make sure that you place the location marker in the middle of each of the rentals, so it is very clear which of the rentals you mean.

Next to the map, you can see an overview of the already marked rentals and the unprocessed rentals. It could be that there are also rentals in this lists which cannot be marked at all, such as grouped types and cluster types.

In case you accidentally marked the wrong rental, you can click on the marked rental again and change the belonging rental.

Editing markings

If you put a marking in the wrong place on the map, you can edit this marking by clicking on the pencil, which is right below the location marker in the top left corner of the map. After you clicked on the pencil, you can click on the marking that you want to edit and move the marking to the right place on the map. When the marking is in the right place, you press 'save'.

Would you like to delete a marking completely? Then you have to click on the trash bin first and then click on the marking that you want to delete. Again, once you deleted the marking, you press 'save'.

You can also delete multiple markings at the same time, by clicking on the markings that you want to delete one after the other. Once you deleted all the markings from the map, you press 'save'.

Activating the map

When you marked all the rentals, you can activate the map, so it becomes visible on the website and in the Search & Book. You can do this by pressing the button on top of the page, next to 'Active?'

Once the map is active and live, the guests can view the different rentals on the map. By adding unique photo's to your rentals, you can give guests a specific impression of the rental that they want to book. This way, guests will be able to find the rental that fits best to their wishes more easily. More information about unique photo's can be found here.

Do you want to charge your guests for a preference booking? Then check out our support article on preference costs.

Set minimum number of available objects before "Choose on map" is possible

In the administration settings, on the Bookings tab you can set up the minimum number of objects available before "Choose on map" is possible.

This is set to 2 by default.

Do you only have 1 object of each type? Then change the minimum number of available objects to 1, otherwise the map will not be displayed.


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