
  1. Post the Snippet
  2. Snippet reviews
  3. Snippet Search Bar
  4. Snippet: payment methods
  5. Snippets on the accommodation page
  6. Snippet: address
  7. Snippet: location
  8. Snippet: location on map
  9. Snippet: amenities
  10. Snippet: amenities with groups
  11. Snippet: amenities summary icons
  12. Snippet: floor plan
  13. Snippet: unique selling points
  14. Snippet: short description
  15. Snippet: description
  16. Snippet: full description
  17. Snippet: list of accommodation reviews
  18. Snippet: summary of accommodation reviews
  19. Snippet: accommodation reference
  20. Snippet: video
  21. Snippet: accommodation host

Post the Snippet

A snipped is posted by the following steps:

1. Click on the  green [+] sign in the block in which you want to add the widget;
2. Next, click on  Snippet in the Text section;
3. Save the widget.

Snippet reviews

In addition to the widget to show your average rating, it is also possible to use a widget to display a list of all ratings.

Snippet Search Bar

There is also the possibility to add a search bar. So website visitors can execute specific searches on your website. You can add this snippet on the top right in the header.

Snippet: payment methods

The various payment methods can also be displayed with the snippet. In general this will be placed in the footer.

Snippets on the accommodation page

Different snippets can also be added to to the accommodation page. 

  1. Go to the CMS and open your organization;
  2. Click on Search & book;
  3. Click on Types;
  4. Select the type you want to add a widget to;

5. On the page of the type you selected go to Frontpage;

6. Next, add to Main Body the desired widget, as described in the beginning of this article.

Snippet: address

By using this snippet the address of the accommodation is displayed.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - Address;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: location

The location of the accommodation is displayed by this snippet.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - location;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: location on map

By adding this snippet, the location of the accommodation will be shown on a map. If you want to add this you first need to have a Google Maps API Key. You can read here how to apply for this.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - location on map;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: amenities

By using this snipped all the amenities connected to the accommodation type are displayed.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - amenities;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: amenities with groups

In addition to showing all the amenities added in Booking Experts, these can also be displayed by group using this snippet.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - amenities with groups;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: amenities summary icons

By using this snippet, the features can be displayed using icons that can be added in the CMS, see this link.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - amenities summary icons;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: floor plan

By adding this snippet the layout of the accommodation is displayed.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - floor plan;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: unique selling points

This snippet displays the unique selling points of the accommodation.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - unique selling points;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: short description

This snippet will show the short description, a concise explanation, of the accommodation.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - short description;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: description

By using this snippet the description of the accommodation entered in Booking Experts is displayed.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - description;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: full description

This snippet shows the short description and description of the accommodation, and combines the previous two snippets.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - full description;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: list of accommodation reviews

Accommodation-related reviews can be displayed using this snippet.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - list of accommodation reviews;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: summary of accommodation reviews

By adding this snippet, a summary of the accommodation-related reviews will be shown.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - summary of accommodation reviews;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: accommodation reference

This snippet displays the accommodation reference code.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - accommodation reference;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: video

By adding this snippet to the page, the website visitor can play a video of the accommodation and/or the park.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - video;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

Snippet: accommodation host

By adding this snippet the host of the accommodation is displayed.

  1. Choose the snippet Accommodation - accommodation host;
  2. Give the snippet a title;
  3. Put layout on Side header.

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