Booking Experts - Map

You can choose to display a map with the location of your park as a widget or, if you have multiple parks, you can choose to display the widget Choose park map.

1. Map
2. Choose park map


Note: before using the map widgets, you will need a Google Maps API Key.

1. Click the green [+] symbol at the place where you want to display the map;
2. Next, select Map (component Media);

3. If desired, provide a title and/or subtitle;
4. If desired, you can adjust the height of the map;
5. If desired, you can adjust the level of zoom;
6. Enter the location you want to display;
7. Click save.

Via Preview, you can view the map at the front office.

Choose park map

1. Click the green [+] symbol at the place where you want to add the map;
2. Next, click the widget Choose Park Map (component BookingExperts);

3. If desired, provide a title and/or subtitle;
4. If desired, you can adjust the height of the map;
5. Indicate whether the default display should be a list display or a map display;
6. Determine the level of zoom of the map;
7. Indicate whether the parks that are close to each other should be displayed clustered;
8. Click save.

Via Preview, you can view the map at the front office.

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