Search & book - Indicate accommodation's location
Indicate accommodation's location
There are different ways to indicate where the accommodation is located:
1. No indication
2. City
3. Region > City
4. Country > Region > City
Adjustments can be made by following these steps:
1. In the left menu, navigate to Search & Book;
2. In the submenu, select Search & Book settings;
3. Scroll down to Search results;
4. At Indication of accommodation's location, select the desired option;
5. At the bottom right side, click Save.
Adjustments can be made by following these steps:
1. In the left menu, navigate to Search & Book;
2. In the submenu, select Search & Book settings;
3. Scroll down to Search results;
4. At Indication of accommodation's location, select the desired option;
5. At the bottom right side, click Save.