
🇳🇱 Nederlandse vertaling

An outstanding payment on a reservation can be refunded to the guest as a voucher. In this support article we give you all the required information.

1. What is a voucher?
2. Creating a voucher
3. Redeem a voucher online
4. Taking in a voucher in the backoffice
5. Import of vouchers
6. Export of vouchers
7. Set up expiry date to vouchers
8. Deviating validity period or changing validity period afterwards
9. Vouchers at organization level
10. Frequently asked questions

What is a voucher?

A voucher is a unique code that represents an amount of money. When making a new reservation, guests can provide the unique code to you. With this, the guest receives the value of the amount of money as a discount on the new reservation made. 
An overview of the vouchers can be found here: 
1. Go the the tab Reservations;
2. Choose the right sub menu Vouchers.
By default we only show the vouchers with credit, but if you uncheck the box With credit, you can see all vouchers. 

There are two payment methods for the vouchers. Namely Voucher (for credit placed on a voucher) and Settles as vouchers (for payments by redeeming a voucher). The payment methods end up on the ledger account 2030 'Vouchers in circulation'.

Creating a voucher

You can create a voucher from the cancelled reservation. 

1. Search with the search field at the top right for the regarding reservation; 
2. Open the reservation; 
3. Process the cancellation, but leave the correct amount 'outstanding'; 
4. At the top right of the reservation you will see that a refund can be settled. You will also find the option: Issue voucher there;

5. Click on the Issue voucher button;
6. You will have the option to automatically have a code generated by Booking Experts or to enter a code yourself;

Note: Make sure not to use a simple code, such as: Holidaypark1, Holidaypark2, Holidaypark3, etc. Malicious guests can then 'guess' codes and make free reservations. The codes made by Booking Experts are too difficult to guess, which is why we recommend using them. You can use your own codes if you have previously created these, outside Booking Experts.

7. You can send a notification of the voucher to the guest. You will find the attached e-mail in the templates under the Other administration settings;
8. The voucher will be made unrecognizable after sending the voucher. If you have all the rights, you can view the voucher;
9. The guest can redeem the voucher at your holiday park. You can read more about this below.

Redeem a voucher online

A guest can redeem the voucher when making a reservation. If the guest has chosen a type, he can redeem his voucher from step 1 in the search & book. The guest will immediately see the payment status:
  1. Additional payment is required - the guest immediately sees the amount to be paid
  2. The voucher exactly covers the reservation - the guest sees that he doesn't have to pay extra and that the voucher is fully used
  3. An outstanding amount will remain on the voucher - the guest will immediately see what amount is still on the voucher.
Note: does the guest indicate that the code is invalid? Please check whether the guest correctly uses the capital letters when entering the voucher.

Taking in a voucher in the backoffice

The guest can redeem the discount by giving the voucher to you. Then you process the voucher in the back office to calculate the discount.
1. Search the guest's reservation via the search field at the top right and open this reservation or make a new reservation for the guest; 
2. At the bottom of the reservation with the invoice you will find the possibility to exchange the voucher;

3. Click the Redeem voucher button;
4. Enter the voucher and click on Redeem voucher;

5.  Now the invoice opens and you see that (part of) the payment is done by means of the voucher;

Note: Is the amount of the reservation higher than the amount of the voucher? Then the guest must pay extra or pay the remaining amount with another voucher. Is the amount of the reservation less than the amount of the voucher? Then the remaining voucher credit remains open. The guest can redeem this credit on a new reservation.

Import of vouchers

Are you switching to Booking Experts and taking your vouchers with you from your old reservation system? Then you can import them into Booking Experts.
1. Go to the Reservations tab;
2. Choose Vouchers in the submenu;
3. At the bottom right, choose Import;

4. Download the file and write down the information;
5. Then add the file and choose Upload;
6. The vouchers are now directly redeemable by the guest.

Note: Don't you see the possibility to import? Then you probably don't have the right authorizatons in Booking Experts. Ask a colleague to grant you more rights. You must have all the rights, only the access right isn't required to import vouchers. 

Export of vouchers

It is possible to export the issued vouchers. 
1. Go to the Reservations tab;
2. Click on Vouchers in the right submenu;
3. Click on the Export button at the bottom of the page.
In this export file you will find the following information:
  • The masked voucher code;
  • The reservation number on which the voucher was issued;
  • Arrival and departure date of the original reservation;
  • The date of cancellation;
  • The reason for cancellation;
  • The total issued voucher amount;
  • The outstanding voucher amount;
  • The name of the guest;
  • The e-mail address of the guest.

Set up expiry date to vouchers

You can add an expiry date to vouchers. Of course you can deviate from this per voucher. Set the expiry date up as follows.
1. Navigate to the gear wheel;
2. Choose for Other organisation settings;
3. Set the number of days that the voucher is valid. 

Deviating validity period or changing validity period afterwards

Do you want to set up the validity date of vouchers? You can change the validity per voucher, for multiple vouchers, a whole page or all vouchers at once. 
1. Navigate to the tab  Reservations;
2. Choose in the right menu  Vouchers;
3. Select the vouchers of which you want to change dates;
4. Click on Edit;
5. Fill in the date and Apply the changes.
Hint: the vouchers are sorted by date of issue. At the top are the vouchers that were issued first. Have you issued many vouchers? Then you can, for instance, give an expiry date per page in bulk. 

Vouchers at organization level

On this page you can also easily find the vouchers at the organization level in 1 overview!  So you don't have to search for the voucher per administration. 
You do this as follows:
1. Go to the group dashboard;
2. Click in the right menu on ' Vouchers'. Here you can see all vouchers from the entire organization. Useful if a guest calls the call center and you want to quickly view the voucher. 

You can filter in this view to search for a voucher across only two administrations, for example.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can the vouchers be exchanged for money or paid out to the restaurant or bar?
    You cannot pay a voucher to the guest, nor can it be redeemed as a cash payment at the restaurant or bar. Vouchers are only made to redeem credit of reservations.

    If you still want to make a refund to the guest - for example a small outstanding amount, which is disproportionate to the night price - you can process this by booking a cost item on the reservation in the back office that is linked to ''no VAT''. You can then pay that amount to the guest manually, without using Booking Experts.
  • Can I issue individual vouchers as a gift voucher?
    You cannot issue individual vouchers yet. You now always create a voucher based on a paid reservation that has been cancelled.
  • Can I create general vouchers, for example from € 100?
    Voucher are always unique and based on payment on a reservation. We would like to add in the future so you can create vouchers yourself, without prior payment from the guest.

    Do you already want to make a "general" voucher or discount with a code? Then you can use a discount in combination with coupon code.
  • Can a guest decide which part of the voucher he wants to redeem?
    If you redeem a voucher, the total amount will be settled. You cannot decide what you want to use, for example €200 for a stay in July and €300 for a stay in December. The system prepares the voucher as soon as possible. But: is there credit outstanding after the voucher has been used? Then the outstanding credit will remain available on the voucher for a following reservation.

    Do you still want to distribute one voucher among several new reservations? Then you can of course circumvent this by first booking a payment on the reservation, then paying the remainder with the voucher and finally reversing the amount first booked. This means that credit remains on the voucher and the guest has to pay the remaining amount of the first reservation.
  • How long is a voucher valid?
    Vouchers are valid indefinitely.
  • I want to give a guest a refund afterwards. How do I void the voucher?
    Way 1:

    The solution to this is to process a - payment on the relevant reservation and then book the voucher on that same reservation. 
    1. Choose '+ Payment' in your invoice and enter the amount you want to refund to your guest by using a - Payment;
    2. Choose the payment method you want to use for this (the same method you will be refunding the guest). Add the payment;
    3. Now the payment is not fully satisfied, the amount of your voucher is still missing. Choose 'Redeem voucher' and enter the appropriate code.
    4. In this way, the payment is fulfilled and you can refund the guest's money via the previously chosen payment method.

Way 2:
1. First you cancel the cancellation, at the top of the reservation;
2. Then a new invoice is created. You send this invoice manually. Then you can post the invoice with the guest's voucher code;
3. Then you cancel the reservation again and instead of creating a voucher again, you refund the guest as you normally did.

  • Can a voucher be redeemed at another location of my organization?
    It is possible to redeem a voucher at another location of the organization. For this purpose, a setting at the organization level must be enabled to allow this.
  • When will turnover be booked when using vouchers?
    With the new reservation. The old reservation is credited, so the turnover voucher falls on the new reservation. Depending on the settings of your administration, this is often the end date of the reservation.
  • Do we sent reminders of the voucher before deadline?

    Yes, we do.  These are sent 180, 90 and 30 days before the deadline. 

    Please note: this e-mail template is turned on by default! If you do not wish to send the reminder, make sure that you turn off the template. 
    1. Navigate to the gear wheel;
    2. In the right-hand menu, go to Templates;
    3. Turn off the slider at the Voucher reminder template.
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