Setting up discount cards
There are various discount cards that you may want to work with. For example, if you are affiliated with ACSI, your guest can camp at a reduced rate. The CKE card is another example. These discount cards can be applied in the Search & Book and in the backoffice.
Adding a discount card
Via the 'Setup' tab you can navigate to 'Discount cards'. Click '+New' to add a discount card to your reservation system. With this you have registered the card. But, to give your guests the opportunity to apply their discount card when booking online, you need add a package to the card.
Package for discount card
Click the name of the discount card you just added. In the top right corner you will see a new button, 'Packages'. Via this page you can create a new package for this discount card. Depending on the agreements you have made with the organisation that issues the discount card, you choose a package with a fixed price per night or a package with a discount on rent.
With fixed price per night
If you have agreed on a fixed price per night, enter it under 'Fixed night prices', along with the validity dates. You can add multiple entries here, which can be useful if the agreed price per night is, for example, increased starting from a certain date.
Under 'Period' you determine when the discount card can be used by guests. This is done using Period groups. The first period to be set determines when this discount card package is available for booking on your website. The second period determines for which dates this discount card package can be applied.
If the stay partly falls outside of the period of validity for the discount card, the agreed fixed price per night is only applied to the nights that are actually within the validity period. For the remaining nights, the regular rate is used.
With discount on rent
If you have agreed on a certain discount percentage, this often also includes validity periods. These work the same as explained above for discount cards with fixed nightly rates.
Under 'Discount on rent' you enter the discount percentage, and with the settings for minimum and maximum number of nights you determine for which length of stay this discount card can be applied.
Important for both types of discount card packages: Under 'Composition', add all mandatory costs that apply to the types that can be booked with this discount card. If you fail to include an applicable mandatory cost item here, it will be added to the reservation as a negative amount.