Making amenity in amenity group

Within an Amenity group, create Amenity groups.

Name the amenity. Have you set up multiple input languages? Then enter the name for each language. Next, link the appropriate linked channel facility.

Choose the linked channel facility that best suits your facility. Is the linked channel facility you need not listed? Then choose other.

Types of Amenities

Amenities can be divided into 3 types.

  1. Yes / No: these Amenities can be ticked by either the type and/or object.
  2. Numeric__: when selected, you will be asked to specify a number. For example: Bedroom. You can then enter this amenity once and specify the number at each type or object.
  3. Multiple choice:_ this facility allows you to enter multiple choice options. You can then make your selection from this option when ticking this amenity. E.g. Beds: option: single bed, double bed etc.

Please note: multiple-choice Amenities cannot be filtered separately in the search and book but are only displayed on the type page.


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