Settlement dates
Booking Experts assumes monthly settlements as a default. When creating or editing a commission agreement, it is possible to adjust this frequency to per quarter, per six months, or per year. Settlements will be prepared for the first day of a calendar month, unless you specifically deviate from this.
Suppose someone becomes an object owner on 15 March. The first settlement (if monthly) will take place on 1 April, for the period of 15 to 31 March. The next settlement will take place on 1 May, and will cover the entire month of April.
Deviating settlement dates
If you would like to settle owners' rental income on dates relative to the start date of their agreement, you can indicate this when creating or editing a commission agreement. For this, check the box 'Settle relative to agreement start date'.
Suppose someone becomes an object owner on 15 March. With a settlement date relative to the start date, the first settlement (if monthly) will take place on 16 April, for the period of 15 March to 15 April. The next settlement will take place on 16 May, etc.