Reservations for today

You can choose per type whether you want to allow reservations to be made on the same day as the check-in. By accepting reservations until the date of arrival, you have a higher chance at extra reservations. In this article, we will explain how to allow reservations for today.

Allowing reservations for today

To allow reservations for today, you need to edit the specific type, through the submenu types. Here, you scroll down to the 'details' section and you will find the checkbox 'Accept reservations for today if placed before...'. Below this checkbox you can fill in the time until which you allow reservations on the same day to be made. By default, this time is set at 00:59, meaning that guests can make a reservation in the night of the check-in. However, you can set this time to any time you wish. If you want to accept reservations that are made before 08:00 for a check-in on the same day, you set the time to 08:00.

It is not possible to move the acceptance of reservations to a certain amount of days in advance. Therefore, it is always possible for guests to make a reservation at 23:59 for the next day.


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