
Templates can only be used when the website has migrated to sections. Is your website not yet using sections, but would like to use templates? Then send an email to support@bookingexperts.nl.

Curious about what sections are and how it works? Then read this support article.

You can use a template for a form or unique features you want to use more often on a website. The template is built with sections and widgets and can be placed on a page using the 'Templates section'. The big advantage here is that you only have to manage a template in one place.

Creating the template

  • Go to 'Content' > ' Templates'.
  • Create a new template and give it a name.
  • Build the template with sections and widgets.

Place template on the page

  • Go to the page to which the template is to be added.
  • Click '+ Section' and choose 'Template section'.
  • Select the template you just created and add it.

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