Filter and breaking down statistics

Through the explorer within the statistics module it is possible to filter and break down statistics. Here we explain the different possibilities.

Filtering statistics

The first step is to select the type of statistics you wish to see. Select the period and how you wish to see the statistics, by day, week, month, quarter or year. Choose the comparison you want. You have the choice of no comparison, compare with end of last year, compare with same time last year, compare with position several days ago or compare with position on specific date.

Then you can filter on a specific type, type group, segment, object, object label, objects without an object label, reservations with a reservation label, reservations without a reservation label, length of stay, country, language, created by, discount action, traffic source, package, extra package and channel. These filters can also be combined with each other.

While filtering, it is possible to check multiple options within 1 filter.

Breaking down statistics

Have you set up the filters? Then it is possible to break down the results. Click on the button Breakdown by to choose a breakdown. You have the choice of package, channel, discount action, country, object, segment, language, type and traffic source. You can only use 1 breakdown at a time.

Want to compare multiple breakdowns. Then first add 1 to your report and look up the same statistic. Select the other breakdown you want and add it to the report as well.

Display options

For each statistic it is possible to choose a chart type. Here you have the choice of column, stack column, line and table. It is personal which chart type is most suitable for which statistic.

Choose table if you want to see absolute numbers.

Add statistics to a report. The settings of that statistic are then retained and can be easily accessed through the report. You can read more about this here.

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