Order import

After reservations have been imported, it is possible to import orders. This imports the Invoice items of the Reservation from the previous system into Booking Experts. This requires a CSV file with the following columns:

Reservation number The reservation number known in Booking Experts. When reservations are imported, the reservation number will be taken over from the old system.
Rent The total rent in the reservation.
Costs All costs to be included in the Reservation, each on its own line.
Discounts The discounts added to the Reservation. Each discount on its own line.
Type In the Type column you can specify whether a line should be seen as rent, costs or discounts.
Price per item This should contain the price of the line.
Quantity This column specifies how often the price should be added. For example, for rent this is once. For a cost, this can be more often. For example, if the tourist tax is calculated per person. Then enter the number to be added. If the total price is entered for a cost item in the price column, enter 1 for number.

If an automatic task is linked to a cost item and this task is to be displayed per person on the task list, for example, it is necessary to enter the correct number in the CSV file. If you choose 1 here, the cost item will be added once to the order with the total amount entered. The task will then also be assigned the number 1. As an example, bed linen. It is often necessary to know how many bed linen packages have been added and must be prepared.

Start importing orders

After importing reservations, you will be asked whether you wish to enter a migration date or start importing orders. If you choose to import orders, you get the option to upload a CSV file. You give the orders import a name. If this is the first order import you are starting within your Administration, choose No under the question "Do you want to adopt an import strategy from a previous import?". If you have done an order import in the Administration before then it is possible to adopt a strategy from a previous import. A lot of time can then be saved because the Costs do not have to be linked again in Booking Experts.

Choose the correct language and ecoding format of the CSV file. Then click on upload CSV file.

What is the encoding format?

The encoding format refers to the way characters are stored in the CSV file.

Tip: Split your CSV file into several files. For example, create one file per year. This will make importing the orders much faster.

Configure import strategy

The next step is to configure the import strategy. This links the columns in the CSV file to the correct data in Booking Experts.

Booking number

Using the pencil after the line, link the column containing the reservation number.


In the CSV file, each line indicates whether the line is rent, Costs or discount. Click the pencil after the line to check if this is linked correctly and adjust if necessary.


The cost items in the CSV file are linked to the cost items in Booking Experts. Click the pencil after the line to check this is correct. It may not be possible to recognise all Costs. In that case, select the correct cost item for the lines for which no cost item could be found.

Discount ID

This step links the correct discount to the correct line in the CSV file. Click the pencil after the line to check that all discounts are correctly linked.

Price per item

Is the price per unit in the CSV file? If so, switch this option on and click the pencil icon after the line. Select the column that contains the price per unit. If only a total price per line is available, select the column that contains the total price and specify 1 under number. See the step below.


Link the column number in the CSV file here. Are there only total amounts in the CSV file?

Then click the pencil after the line and click +add 1 more. Instead of selecting a column, choose Text and enter the number 1.

When the status of all the above items is set to valid, the import can be started by clicking Import. This process may take some time depending on the number of lines in the CSV. Once the import is complete, it will indicate whether it succeeded in importing all lines. If lines fail, a downloadable file will be created. Please check here what error message is given. The error message is shown in the last column of the file.

When a reservations import is spread across multiple imports, the orders import will have to be added to all these imports. The import strategy can then be taken over from the previous orders import. Only the orders of the reservations that are in the reservations import will be added.

Completing import

When all orders have been imported, there may still be some price differences. Booking Experts then compares the order total with the total price specified when importing the reservations. These price differences can then be checked and/or corrected one by one. Afterwards, all reservations can be confirmed at once and Payments, if specified in the Reservation import, will also be added. In the last step of the import, it is possible to e-mail all Guests of the imported booking a booking confirmation for the imported booking. The guest is then immediately informed about the switch to Booking Experts and will receive information about the Customer Portal and about any open payments. If desired, the template for this can be modified first.

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