What exactly does the link with Booking.com do?

For an extensive connection with Booking.com, you can easily make your accommodations bookable on Booking.com. How to set this up can be found in this section. In this article, we will take a closer look at the details of the connection as well as the features that you can still adjust within your Booking.com Extranet.

The following features are passed through in the full content connection with Booking.com:

  • The name of the administration
  • Contact details
  • Location
  • Prices
  • Availability
  • Check-in times
  • Check-out times
  • Channel amenities
  • Number of units
  • Guest configuration
  • The policy for internet and parks. This is also synchronised with the channel facilities within Booking Experts.
  • Payment methods
  • The option to accept same-day reservations. On Booking.com, this is only a setting per day, not per hour as in Booking Experts.

The following features are not passed through in the full content connection with Booking.com:

  • Individual cost items. From Booking Experts, you can only send all-inclusive prices to Booking.com. This means a total rental price, including all mandatory cost items. If you wish to display individual cost items on Booking.com, you must add them separately within your Extranet.
  • Optional upgrades. It is not possible to add optional upgrades to Booking.com.
  • The description of your property type from Booking Experts. Booking.com generates its own description of your property type, based on the number of bathrooms/bedrooms and listed facilities.
  • The room name. The room name (this is the unit number or the type name when there is 1 type + 1 unit) is generated by Booking.com, and you can still choose from several suggestions Booking.com offers as standardised options within the Extranet.
  • Pets. It is not possible to charge for pets on Booking.com. You also cannot add this as an upgrade. If your guest wants to bring a pet, they must manually request this from you. We advise including this in the booking confirmation and adding this upgrade to the guest invoice.


  • Photos you set up within Booking Experts are passed through to Booking.com. If you have 1 listing with 1 room (such as a holiday home), the same photos will be shown for both the accommodation and the room. If you have 1 type with several units (unit = room on Booking.com), you can display different photos for each room.
  • Are there already photos linked to your Booking.com listing? Booking Experts will not simply overwrite these. If you want this to be adjusted, please request this from Booking Experts.
  • Booking.com allows up to 300 photos per listing.

Possible additional settings within Booking.com:Apart from the full content connection, it is possible to make further settings within your Booking.com Extranet. This includes:

  • Besides the linked channel facilities, Booking.com offers more facilities you can (de)select. You can find these in your Extranet under: Facilities & Services + Room facilities.
  • Individual cost items. Do you want to show cost items like cleaning fees separately and not include them in an all-inclusive price? Set this up in your Extranet under: Accommodation -> Policies.
  • When creating a completely new listing from Booking Experts, the payment channel is automatically set to Booking.com Collect. If you want to change this to Booking Experts Collect, adjust this under: Financial -> Financial settings -> Payments via Booking.com.
  • If you want to link an existing Booking.com listing to Booking Experts, ensure the guest configuration settings are the same. If Booking Experts is set to allow 4 adults in the chalet, Booking.com must be set up the same way.


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