Source of origin (traffic source)

🇳🇱 Nederlandse vertaling

In this article you can read how to create and use the source of origin of a reservation.

1. Create traffic source
2. Edit traffic sourcen
3. Archive traffic source

The source of origin indicates how the visitor found you. Via Google, advert, notification, or any other way. If you want to ask the visitor for the source of origin, you'll be able to enter the sources yourself.

Create traffic source

1. Click the  gear icon for the administration settings;
2. In the submenu on the right, click  traffic sources;
3. Select  New;

4. Enter the name of the traffic source you would like to use;
5. If applicable: Click the  flag icons to enter the translation;
6. Next, click  Add traffic source.

The statistics can be filtered on these traffic sources. This will inform you, among other things, of how many confirmed reservations have been made via Google or via a certain advert.

Edit traffic source

An existing source of origin (traffic source) can be edited if, for example, you wish to add a translation or to change the name.

1. Navigate to administration settings via the gear icon;
2. Select  Traffic sources in the submenu on the right;
3. At the traffic source you wish to adjust, click on the name;

4. Edit the necessary data;
5. Next, click  Update traffic source;

Archive traffic source

When you don't want to display a traffic source on the website anymore, you can archive it.

1. Go to the administration settings via the gear wheel;
2. Choose  Traffic sources in the right submenu;
3. Click on the name of the traffic source and choose Archive

You can find the traffic source back at the tab   Archived.

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