Checking guests in and out

🇳🇱 Nederlandse vertaling

You can check in and check out guests in multiple places. We will show per place how you check in the guest and then how you check out the guest.

1. Check in from the dashboard
2. Check out from the dashboard
3. Check in from the reservation
4. Check out from the reservation
5. Check in from the planboard
6. Check out from the planboard
7. Roll back reservations from the reservation
8. Rollback reservations from the planboard

Check in from the dashboard

On the dashboard, you have an overview of all check-ins and check outs. You can either check-in or check out a reservation from the dashboard.

1. Go to the dashboard;
2. At the reservation you want to check-in, click on the magnifying glass to see more information about the reservation;
3. Click on the check-in icon to check in the reservation;

4. You may optionally select a different date on which you want to check in the guests;
5. Click  Checkin.

Check out from the dashboard

1. Go to the dashboard;
2. At the reservation you want to check out, click on the magnifying glass to see more information about the reservation;
3. Click on the check out icon to check out the reservation.

4. You may optionally select a different date on which you want to check out the guests;
5. Click  Checout.

Check in from the reservation

1. Open the reservation you want to check-in for visitors
2. Click  Check-in

3. If necessary, adjust the date for when you want to check-in the reservation;
4. Then click  Check-in.

Check out from the reservation

1. Open the reservation you want to check out of visitors
2. Click  Checkout;
3. If necessary, adjust the date per when you want to check out the reservation;
4. Then click  Checkout.

Check in from the planboard

It is also possible to check reservations in or out through the planboard.

1. Go to the  planboard;
2.  Click on reservation;
3. On the right side of the screen you will see the detailed reservation overview;
4.  Click on check in.

Check out from the planboard

Check out works the same, except then select  Check out in the detailed reservation overview.

Roll back from the reservation

You can roll back the check- in/out of a reservation. This can be done either via the reservation form or via the planboard. 

1. Go to the reservation form of which you want to roll back the check-in or checkout.
2. Click on the icon next to the check-in/out time.

Roll back from the planboard

It is also possible to check reservations in or out through the planboard.

1. Go to the  planboard;
2.  Click on reservation;
3. On the right side of the screen you will see the detailed reservation overview;
4.  Click on rollback.

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