CZ - Foreign Police Guest Declaration

🇳🇱 Nederlandse vertaling

This article explains how to export guest lists for a specified period of time in the electronic format accepted by Czech Foreign Police (UNL).

1. Requirements
2. Export


Before exporting the guest list UNL, you need to set the IDUB and abbreviated (short) IDUB as given to you by the Foreign Police. You can set this information in the section Other organization settings and the tab Guest list.

Image example of setting IDUB metadata


You can download an UNL export on the dashboard to export the guest list for upcoming checkins for a given day.

Image of UNL export from the dashboard

To export the guest list for a given period in time, go to the  Reservations and filter the applicable reservations. Then, click on the Guest list button at the bottom of the page and export the UNL.

Image of an UNL export from the Reservations section
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