Privacy - Right to oblivion

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a guest has the right to have his/her data deleted. Does a guest request deletion in the data you have processed about him/her? If so, you need to carry this out.

Guest anonymisation

To make this easy for you as an organisation to understand, we have added a function to the guest card that allows you to delete/anonymise all information about a guest.

Tip: You can only anonymise a guest at organisational level. To do this, click on the arrow next to your Administration in the top left of your screen and then click on the name in bold. This will take you to the organisation environment and you can follow the steps below.

Click on the Guests tab. Then search for the guest's name. Click on the guest's name and then click personal data. At the bottom you will see the Mark for anonymisation button.

Please note: Reservations and invoices must be submitted 7 years after they were created. For these documents, only the guest card will be disconnected and the e-mail address will be removed.

Enable automatic anonymisation

It is possible to automatically anonymise guest data after a user-selectable number of years.

To do so, go to Organisation settings and to Other. Tick the Enable automatic anonymisation box and enter after how many years Guests should be anonymised.

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