Edit, copy or delete cost items

Open a Costs to edit, copy or delete it. You will see the copy, delete and edit buttons immediately at the top right of your screen.


Click edit to edit the cost item.

A cost item change is only applied to new invoices. If a cost item in an existing reservation needs to be changed, you can change the reservation by clicking on the pencil behind the guest group, for example. Make sure the checkbox based on current prices is on and your cost item will be adjusted to the current settings.


Want to add a cost item that has almost the same settings as another cost item? Then click copy and adjust only the parts that differ from the original cost item. This will save you a lot of work.


Do you want to delete a cost item? This is only possible if it is not valid and has not been used anywhere. If a cost item has been in use, it cannot be deleted.

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