
An unconfirmed booking can be turned into an option, giving the guest the opportunity to think about whether or not to place the booking. An option can be created if the booking has an arrival date of at least one day.

Add options

To allow options, you need to set the number of days an option is valid and the maximum number of options per guest in the Administration settings under Bookings.

Create option

You can confirm a booking as an option to the guest. The guest is then given x-number of days to confirm the booking by paying the invoice. The booking can also be confirmed via the back office.

Make a booking without confirming it to the guest. In the menu, choose More, then click Option. Choose the number of days the option should be valid. Then click Save.

To send confirmation of the option to the guest, click Send option. The Option template will then be sent to the guest. In this template, the guest will find a payment link and a link to cancel the option. When the guest makes a payment, the option will automatically be confirmed.

Does the visitor not respond? Then they will receive a reminder 1 day before the option expires. If no action is taken after that, the option will be cancelled automatically.

If you have set the number of days an option is valid and the maximum number of options per guest in the administration settings, it is also possible for guests to place an option via your website.

An option is created at booking level and not at reservation level. In other words, if there is a group booking, the option is created for all underlying reservations.

Overview of options

Via the Reservations tab, you can choose the Options tab. Here you have an overview of all current options, including the validity of the options.

Is your option not yet listed? Then it could be that you have not yet sent the option to the guest. Or the term of the option created via the back office has expired. These are then reset to not yet confirmed reservations. This way, you keep a grip on the guest who might want to stay and can approach him again.

Extend an option

An expiring option can be extended for a certain period of time. To do so, open the relevant reservation and click More and then Option. Choose the number of days the option should be valid for and click Save. You can reconfirm the option to the guest.

Convert option to booking via the back office

When an option is sent to the guest, he has the option to convert it to a booking via a payment link. You can also convert this option to a booking manually via the back office. This applies to both back office and channel bookings. To do this, open the booking and click on Convert option to booking and send the booking confirmation.

Unable to convert the option into a definite booking? This is because the option has not yet been sent to the guest. First send the option to the guest, this can be done manually if you do not want to actually send the guest a confirmation. Then you can convert the option to a reservation and confirm it to the guest.

See how many bookings came from an option

It can happen, for example, that an owner is curious how many of his bookings came from an option. You can't see it in one overview but you can deduce it from an export. If you create an export of confirmed reservations, you can see for each reservation whether it came in via an option or not. When you open the export, you can see that ‘Created as an option’ shows 0 or 1. If there is a 1, then this booking came in via an option. If it says 0, then this booking has not come in via an option.

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