
Via the task module, it is possible to link an contractor or to one or more rentals.

For the , you can specify whether they are allowed to view reservations, whether they can see the contact details of the main booker and whether the details in the order should be visible to the external party or manager.

Create a contractor

To create a contractor, go to Tasks and then to User management and click +New contractor. Enter the data of the contractor.

Under access and responsibilities, specify whether the contractor has access to all rentals or to specific rentals and/or facilities. If you choose access to specific rentals or specific facilities, you can then tick one or more rentals/facilities.

If the contractor is allowed to view reservations, check ‘Can view reservations’. This will then show the contractor a list of reservations that have been placed on the rentals the contractor has access to. This listing will only show the booking number, date of arrival and departure, and group composition. Do you want the contractor to be able to see detailed guest details and chosen extras as well? Then check the ‘Can view reservation contact details’ and ‘Can view order’ boxes. If you check ‘Can view order’, the contractor sees the order as you see it in Booking Experts, including the amounts.

Would the contractor like to be informed about new reservations? Check Inform contractor of new reservations via e-mail.

Modify existing contractor rights

To modify the rights of an existing contractor, go to Tasks and User management. Then click the name of the contractor for which you want to modify the rights. Then click Edit. You will then come to the screen where you can check and uncheck the above-mentioned tick boxes.

Does the contractor have access to a task list? Then the contractor will only see the tasks of the rentals they have access to. It is therefore no longer necessary to create a task list for each contractor.

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