Linked users in owner page
In the owner page, the ‘Users’ block shows all persons linked to the owner with their own email address. One of them is always the primary owner. If several users are linked, you can use the three dots behind the name to make another user the primary user.
To change an owner's email address, first add a new linked user with the correct email address. Then you can delete the user with the outdated email address.
New user
To add an additional user, click the ‘+New’ button. Here you enter an email address, and a name. You can then choose to invite this user to the owner portal.
Access to the owner portal
Using the three dots behind the name of the user, you can send an invitation to the specified email address. The status of the user indicates whether an invitation has already been sent, and whether this invitation has been accepted. All users with access to the owner portal have the same rights, and will also receive all messages.
Take over role
If you want to take a look at a particular owner's owner portal, you can log in as this user by taking over their role. Read the article Login as owner for more information.
Email users
Using the ‘Email all users’ button, you can quickly send an email to all users connected to this owner.