Login as owner

You can take over an owner's role to see exactly what their personal page looks like. So if an owner has any questions, you can easily check with them.

Take over an owner's role

Find the owner whose role you want to take over. You can do this via the Owners module or search for the owner via the search bar at the top right of your screen.

Click your owner and click the 3 dots behind the e-mail address under Associated users. Then click Take over role.

You are now logged in as the owner and can see exactly what the owner also sees. The yellow arrow icon in front of your profile shows that you have taken over the role of someone else.

Note: If, when logging in, you get the message that you do not have authorisation to view the owners' portal, then the owner is not active. An inactive owner does not have access to the owners' portal.

After taking over the role, don't forget to put it down again so you can continue in your own role in Booking Experts. You can resign the usurped role by clicking on your profile and then click resign usurped role.

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