Login as owner

You can take over an owner's role to see exactly what their personal page, the owner portal, looks like. So if an owner has any questions, you can easily check with them.

Take over an owner's role

Find the owner whose role you want to take over. You can do this via the Owners module or search for the owner via the search bar at the top right of your screen.

In the owner page, you scroll to the 'Users' block, and click the three dots behind the correct user's name. Choose 'take over role'. You are now logged in as the owner, and can see exactly what this owner can see.

The yellow arrows in front of your profile-icon indicate that you have taken over someone else's role. To put down the role you have taken over, click these yellow arrows and return to your own account.

If, when you want to take over a role, you get a notification that says you do not have the authority to see the owner portal, this means that this owner does not have an owner's portal yet. The owner must first accept the invitation and create an account.

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