Rental priority

Per rental you can decide the rental priority (high, medium, low). In this article you will read how to decide the rental priority and how to use this division.

Deciding the rental priority

You can decide the rental priority of a rental by editing the specific rental and choose for 'low', 'medium', or 'high' under the heading 'priority'.

Rental priority and reservations

By default, Booking Experts looks at rental turnover - from the previous and coming year - when making and distributing reservations. This means that the rentals with the lowest rental turnover come first when making a reservation when you all give the properties the same rental priority.

Rental with a high rental priority come before rentals with a medium or low rental priority. When there are no rentals with a high priority, then the medium priority comes before the low priority. In case that all rentals have a low priority, the reservations will be distributed looking at the rental turnover.

When you have a new rental or new setup, this rental will be seen as the zero-point. You will notice that most reservations that are made on this type will be automatically placed on the new rental, in order to distribute the rental turnover equally.

Rental priority and statistics

In the submenu rent distribution under the statistics tab, you can find the rental distribution of types and their belonging objects over de last 12 months. In this overview, you can immediately see which types have the highest rental turnover and, by clicking on a specific type, you can also see which rentals within this type have the highest rental turnover.

The overview of rent distribution can be used to decide the rental priority of each of the rentals. Since you can see exactly which rentals have the highest rental turnover, you can easily give rentals that have the lowest rental turnover a high priority. This way, new reservations will be made on these rentals first.

In this rent distribution overview you can also easily edit the rental priority of all the rentals at once.

Would you like to know more about the statistics around rent distribution? Then we recommend you to read this support article.


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