
A guest card is automatically created when a guest places a reservation. Has a guest stayed before? Then the new reservation is added to the existing card. In the guest card you can, for example, add a document, make a reservation, resend the access link for the My Environment, impersonate a guest and export the data.

Adding documents to the guest card

You can add documents such as a copy of identification to the guest card. To do this, search for the guest by using, for example, the general search field. Open the guest card by clicking on the name. Under documents, click on +Add. Then choose the file and click save .

Creating a new reservation

From the guest card you can start a new reservation. This is particularly useful for entering longer arrangements. The guest details are then entered immediately. Find the guest and click on the guest's name to open the guest card. Choose + New reservation to start a reservation immediately. You also have the option to make a reservation through the reservation form. From here you make the reservation as you are used to. It will automatically be linked to the correct data.

Editing/Deleting a guest card

Sometimes something needs to be changed in a guest card or the guest wants the guest card removed.


A guest card is automatically updated with the correct data based on the last reservation. For example: I lived on the Vlinderveld, but when making a new reservation I moved to the Bloemendijk. Then my address in the guest card is automatically updated to the new address Bloemendijk. Does the guest ask you to edit information? Then do so in a recent reservation with the pencil at the booker's information.


In some cases you may want to delete a guest card. This is not possible, as you are required by law to keep financial information (such as that of reservations). What you can do is anonymize the guest. To do this, find the guest and choose Personal Information.

Tip: You can anonymize a guest only at the organization level. To do this, click on the arrow next to your administration at the top left of your screen and then click on the bolded name. This will take you to the organization environment. For more information about anonymizing guests, you can read this article.

Giving guests access to My Environment

Guests can access their My Environment directly. After booking, they will receive a booking confirmation containing a link to the My Environment. The guest may need a new link to access the My Environment. To do this, click the Send Access Link My Environment button in the guest card. If you have the Access to My Environment template enabled the guest will receive this email.

Imitate Guest

To see what a guest sees in the My Environment you have the option to imitate a guest. To do this, open the guest card and click the imitate button.

To return to your own account within Booking Experts, click on your guest name and then click logout. You will then return to the guest card in Booking Experts.

Filtering guests

You can filter guest data to, for example, create a promotion for guests who receive a newsletter or who have visited the park more than twice. To do this, go to the Guests tab and enter the desired filters.

What do we match guests by?

We match guests by email address. This is because an email address is unique. Does a guest not have an email address? Then we match on the combination: first name, last name, address and zip code. Do you have two reservations from the same guest, linked to a separate guest card? Then you can match these details in the reservation so that this is merged as one guest.

Group bookings

With group bookings, a guest card is only created for the main booker. For the underlying guests you can fill in the guest card, if desired. You can read more information about that here.


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