Security deposit release and refund
If there is no damage report, your guest will be refunded the full deposit amount. The security deposit is automatically released based on the settings of your security deposit policy.
The set number of days between check-out and release allow space to create damage reports for any damage that is only discovered after check-out.
The released deposit is added to the booking and can be found under Invoices to pay. If there is an outstanding balance on the Reservation, it may be deducted from the deposit.
Would you like to refund the deposit amount? This can be done via a batch payment or by individual refunds per invoice via Mollie.
Automatic refund of deposit
The deposit is only automatically refunded if all of the following conditions are met:
- Payment of the deposit was made through BEX Payments, as were all other payments for the reservation.
- The automatic release option is enabled in your security deposit policy, and the deposit was actually automatically released (an automatic refund is not performed in case of manual release or if damage was reported).
- All deposit items within the booking have been released.
- The booking payment balance matches the total amount of the released security deposit. This means that there are no other amounts still to be received or paid.
Please note that automatic refund of security deposits is only possible if you work with BEX Payments. Also make sure you have enough of a reserve balance on your BEX Payments account to make refund payments.