Pool system

Within a pool system, owners share the revenue earned by renting out their objects through a preset distribution key.

You can add several objects to a pool. Per day that an object is rented, that object receives a set number of points. You can choose to award more points per day in the high season, compared to the low season. This may motivate an owner not to reserve their own object during the high season. The total number of points that an object has gathered, determines the portion of the turnover that is paid to the owner. This means that in a pool, the total turnover of all objects in that pool is divided according to the points each object has received.

The calculation is as follows: Number of object points / number of pool points * total pool rental turnover = Amount on the rent settlement.

Reservations by the owner

If an owner chooses to stay at their own object, this may affect the pool points and turnover in various ways. Settings for point deduction in the pool and/or a points budget in the owner agreement determine how this is handled.

Commission percentage for the park

Within a pool system, you also enter a commission percentage in the commission agreement. The setting and calculation of these commission percentages work the same way as for any other type of commission agreement.

Allocating cost charges to an owner

If you want to settle cost charges with an owner in a pool, you can do so in two places: in the commission agreement, or in the owner agreement.

When creating/editing a commission agreement, you can add cost items, for which you can then indicate the percentage of the charge that needs to be passed on to the pool owners. This will be included in the rent settlements, and applies to all owners connected to this commission agreement.

When creating/editing an owner agreement, the process of adding cost items is exactly the same. The difference is that these cost items are only settled for this owner, not all owners in the pool.

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