Expected periodic cost items invoice

Expected periodic expense items invoiceWhen creating the owner, you can specify when the owner should receive the first invoice and whether he pays it in advance.

For example, is the date of the first invoice on 01-04? Then every year on 01-04 you will see a notification in the Expected periodic invoices overview.

The invoices that follow will be prepared based on the last invoiced period. For example: The last billed period is 01-01 to 31-12. The next year's invoice will be prepared on 17-12. Or: 14 days before the last invoiced period of the previous year.

Do you want to retrieve and send expected periodic invoices earlier? Then check Show only Owners Agreements whose periodic invoice should be sent within 2 weeks. Click Invoice behind the invoice you want to create.

Suggested periodic costs to be invoiced

In the Expected periodic invoices overview, Booking Experts provides a suggested selection of periodic costs to be invoiced over (different) periods.

In this, Agreements are grouped based on:

  1. Period to be settled;
  2. Periodic costs to be settled.

As the periods and costs are grouped together, this enables you to send corresponding periods in bulk. You can also adjust the invoice date in bulk here.

After the invoices have been created, they can be found in the overview of Concept invoices.

By filtering here by invoice type and creation date, you can send a selection at once by e-mail, mark them as manually sent or delete them.

You can only create periodic invoices with an owner who is active.

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