Creating periodic Costs invoice

If the periodic cost items have been assigned to an owner, then an invoice can be created.

Create periodic cost items invoice

Find the owner via the Owners module or via the search bar at the top right of your screen.

Click Periodic Invoice at the property you want to create the invoice for. You will then see an overview of the periodic expenses you can charge to this owner.

The periodic costs are grouped in the overview. This grouping is based on the effective date of the recurring cost item.

You are then given several options:

Create invoiceInitially

You have the option to create an invoice. The moment you charge one of the displayed recurring expense items, the other recurring expense items that have yet to be charged will remain in the overview.

Custom period

It is also possible to invoice a customised period. You can read more about this here.


Would you like to temporarily skip a recurring expense item? Read how to set this up here.

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