Pool settlements

The overview of pool settlements displays the pool settlements created.

You can filter on a specific period and/or a pool. You can also create a new settlement in this overview.

You can also click on the total amount of the generated pool settlements to view an extended view of the pool settlements. You can also create a draft invoice here, copy a statement, recalculate it, create a draft correction invoice and delete the statement.

Creating new pool settlements

In the Pool settlements overview, click new. Select the desired pool and start and end date. Add the pool settlements.

After clicking the Add pool settlements button, a new pool settlement is prepared. You can then check that everything has been settled correctly.

Please note, this pool settlements have been created, but do not yet have an invoice. This settlement has the status New. If you click on the amount of the new pool settlements in the overview of pool settlements, you can create a concept invoice. The pool settlements are given the status draft.

Sending concept invoices

After creating the concept invoices, you can see them on the Financial tab under invoices and then the concept tab.

From this overview you can send the concept invoices. The pool settlements are then given the status sent.

Viewing pool statistics

Within a pool agreement, Owners share the turnover from rentals by means of a preset allocation key. You can add several accommodations to a pool system. Each accommodation receives one point per day that the owner does not reserve. At the end of a period, the entire turnover is added up and the owner receives a rental invoice. The calculation is as follows: Number of points / total number of points * total rental turnover = Amount on the settlement statement.

If you click on the amount of a pool settlements in the overview of pool settlements, you can click on pool statistics in this screen to view them.

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