Communication by e-mail

Under Administration settings, 'general' tab, you can enter a general e-mail address. This general e-mail address is used as the sender address of e-mails to your Guests. The email sender name, by default, is the same as your administration name.

If you want to mail from Booking Experts from the general e-mail address instead of, you still need to verify the e-mail address in the domains. You can read more about this here.

Different e-mail address per language

It is possible to have the general e-mail address and sender name differ per language. This can be useful if, for example, you have a separate e-mail inbox for different languages.

Have sender name differ from administration name

If you want to communicate a different brand to the guest per language, you can have a sender name differ from the administration name per language. To do so, tick this box and enter the name for each language.

Send a blind copy (BCC) of all outgoing emails from Booking Experts

Check this box if you want to receive a copy of all outgoing emails. This can be useful if, for example, you want to quickly see what new reservations you have received.

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