Getting started with auto emails

With an auto email you can automatically send emails to your guests. You can think for example of arrival information, which should be sent a number of days before the reservation. By using different filters, the emails can be used broadly.

With auto emails you only reach your guests. This may also include owners who have made a reservation for themselves. If you want to send messages to owners, regardless of whether they have their own reservation, you do this via a reception message or see if there is a template that meets your needs.

A new auto email

To set up and manage auto-emails, go to your administration settings, and click on 'Auto emails'. Read more about setting up a new auto email.

Filters in auto emails

An auto email has many different filter options, in order to send a suitable message for many different scenarios. Read more about the application of the different filters in auto emails.

Test and check auto emails

If you have set up an auto email, you can try out whether it actually works as you intended, before you activate it. You can also check which reservations a certain active auto email has been sent to. Read more about testing and checking auto emails.

Manage existing auto emails

There are several actions possible for existing auto emails from the auto emails page. Uncheck the 'active' box to ensure that an auto email is no longer sent. Click on the name of an auto email to see its details, and here you will also find the 'Delete' and 'Edit' buttons.

Examples of auto email applications

First read the articles New auto email and Auto email filters to better understand the suggested settings of the examples below. For more detailed sample texts, read Examples of auto emails.

Auto email to inform guests of the door code of their cottage.

Use the email variable 'Code for access to object' {{ reservation.access_code }} in your message. Minimal send time: the check-in time, or just before. Send time: at arrival date. Filters: only the types that have an electronic lock. Also exclude the channel 'Owners', because your owners have their own code.

Auto email to encourage guests with a cottage on the waterfront to rent a rowing boat

Send time: +/- 14 days before arrival date. Filters: objects with the label 'on the waterfront' or the amenity 'jetty'. Also exclude reservations with booked extra 'rowing boat', after all, you don't want to send this email to people who have already booked a rowing boat.

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