Reservation cancellation and undo cancellation

When a Reservation is cancelled, the Cancellation policy in place determines whether a cancellation fee will be charged. You can also undo a cancellation.

You cannot cancel a checked-out Reservation. You can first reverse the check-out and then cancel the Reservation.

Cancel Reservation

To cancel a reservation, first open the reservation. At the top left of your screen you will see the cancel button under data. After clicking on this button you need to enter the reason for cancellation. Then click on cancel this reservation. The cancellation costs will be added to the Reservation according to the Cancellation policy. These can be changed using the pencil icon behind the line.

It is not possible to adjust the amount. However, it is possible to add a discount/surcharge. Then you can use a percentage or an amount to adjust the cancellation fee.

If no payment has been made, no notification will follow.

If the guest has already (partly) paid, you will see a notification at the top of your screen. Choose what you want to do with the outstanding amount.

  • Write off: Use this if the guest does not have to pay the cancellation fee.
  • Create invoice: This creates the invoice but does not send it to the guest.
  • Send guest an invoice: Creates the invoice and sends it to the guest.

If the guest has overpaid, you can refund this amount by clicking +Refund or issue a voucher for this purpose.

Undo cancellation

You can undo a cancellation and return the Reservation to the Confirmed status.

Open the cancelled Reservation and click Undo.

Do you get an error message when cancelling? A cancellation cannot be undone when a new Reservation is placed on the same property for the same period. However, we have a solution for this. Copy the new Reservation to another property. Then you can cancel it because the object is free again. You can do this at the top right of the Reservation using the More button.

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